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Worried about my Entry Pic again. Please comment!

Ok. This is the picture I used for the entry, but I realize now that the head is a little bit tilted towards the right.

Now, seriously, can this be used for disqualification?


The picture looks fine in my opinion. You definitely have a whiter background than I had last year, and the tilt is not pronounced.
Remember that the lottery is about luck. If you do not win this year, it is not going to be because of the picture.
Good luck.
You mean your background was not perfect and you still got it?

Anyway thanks. If I had to guess, I would still guess that it's not going to a problem. Just to make sure.

Of course this entry has to win first.

Not for me though. For a friend. I won the lottery a few years ago and am now going to apply for Citizenship.
You mean your background was not perfect and you still got it?

Define perfect :)
It had a light colored background with no pronounced patterns.
Slight shadows were also visible.

I made the "whiter background" comment because you had another thread a week or so ago in which people complained that the background is not good enough, i.e. not white enough, or some very slight bubbles were visible above the head. Also, there was a slight shadow. To me that picture looked fine, except for the hair being on one shoulder.
The current picture is even better.

I know many people become paranoid about small things, but that is just because they blame the photo if they do not win.
This is not a photo contest. USCIS just wants a clear picture taken from the front, which means it must be in focus and on a light colored background with no distracting patterns. But enough with my rant.

Not for me though. For a friend. I won the lottery a few years ago and am now going to apply for Citizenship.
Then good luck to your friend. :)
I agree with baobab even though I was paranoid about my pics as well. My head in my pic was slightly tilted too but once both ears and the entire face and shoulders can be seen it should be ok. I hate to say he's right but my hubby kept telling me the pic does not have to be perfect, just think about all those folks who just took a pic and sent it in then won.
Never think of photos. I have seen persons having worse photos won the lottery even got visa. Just make it as if it is easily identifiable and no digital change has not been made.
I just looked at the picture that I had already submitted again, and noticed a slitting shadow just to the right side of my face, didn't notice it at first look. Should this matter?