Working / traveling while GC pending?


Registered Users (C)

I hope someone can give me some advice!

In January I am marrying a US Citizen (I am British). I plan to apply for Permanent Residence, and a Green Card, immediately after the wedding.

My question is - will I be allowed to work while the application is processed? How do I apply for work authorization, and will there be any restrictions on my working (ie multiple jobs)?

Also, I will need to travel home to the UK for 2 separate 2-week visits during 2007. How and when can I apply for "travel parole" for these, so that I can re-enter the US each time?

I am currently working as a J-1 student in Academic Training, and my aim is to continue my current job after the wedding and application, and hopefully also add a second part-time job. Is this possible?

thanks in advance for any help.