Worked and stayed places in past 5 years


Registered Users (C)
In the form I have trouble filling Part 6 A and B.

I am trying to gather all the places i worked and stayed in the past 5 years. Unable to remember the exact dates. Is that would be a problem. Did anyone faced this problem. Please help me out.
You can put month and year (not exact dates) and that should be fine. (Atleast I did not have problem doing that) If you still want, put "approx" after it and explain to officer that you do not remember exact dates, if he/she asks.
i think the new N400 forms asks for full dates, in dd/mm/yy formats, when i filled online it asked for full dates, you may be able to write in hand and use a mm/yy format.

i had few 3 jobs and 3 addresses and i remembered the exact dates for all. do you have lease agreement, offer letter, payslips ? you may be able to stiich it together. 5 yr is not a long timeframe,
Thanks for your response. Did you just put the month and year?

Yes, I did that way for stay as well as for dates of foreign travel (I had gone to Canada by road and had no proof of exact dates when I left and came back since nothing was stamped) I had no problem with it.
i think the new N400 forms asks for full dates, in dd/mm/yy formats, when i filled online it asked for full dates, you may be able to write in hand and use a mm/yy format.

i had few 3 jobs and 3 addresses and i remembered the exact dates for all. do you have lease agreement, offer letter, payslips ? you may be able to stiich it together. 5 yr is not a long timeframe,

Even tough the N400 PDF form asked for day, month and year, you can still type in just the month and year. I Put approximate dates for my previous addresses and had no problems during my interview.