Work experience


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Any body here has any experience putting in part time work experience letters to INS as part of 5 years of minimum work experience required for the job. I have received an RFE on 140 and they are asking me to provide 5 years work exp..cause that is mentioned in i had just 4 years work ex when i filed labor..i can put in some previous part time experience..will INS be ok with part time experience.
Originally posted by charliesangel
Any body here has any experience putting in part time work experience letters to INS as part of 5 years of minimum work experience required for the job. I have received an RFE on 140 and they are asking me to provide 5 years work exp..cause that is mentioned in i had just 4 years work ex when i filed labor..i can put in some previous part time experience..will INS be ok with part time experience.

if I were you I would have contacted an attorney. if you dont have one then get one and ask him to reply for you.

Don't worry... about it.

make ur resume whatever ur exp is.. collect all employer work exp letteres together... then u just need to go forigner creditencial /document verifer who are registered with INS (if u find near where u live thats good otherwise don't worry go to any reconized), he/they will give/issue u certificate that u qualify for 5yrs I-140 ....

Thats all and simple... and you will be sending the certificate/letter with RFE.....

the best thing is get attorney.... they know ppl/companies who verify ur docs.

don't panic just relax

Good luck to you .

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POJ, thanks so much for giving such a great suggestion. Have not talked to the lawyer yet cause she is on leave..Will definitely get my documents verified.

Were you also in a similar boat before about work experience ..
This kind of RFE is issued to almost everyone...... it depends on ur LC.
I don't know what they asked exactly words in ur RFE.

but many ppl I know who didn't have same education qualification (india/pakistan edu are not reconized as equivalent here). got RFE and they send equvaliency of there edu as work exp. that 1-3 formula is applied... (its mean if u don't have one year edu or what is in LC u must provide 2 yr exp for each yr edu as equvl. got it?) . But in ur case as u are saying they are asking 5yr work exp..... so case is slightly different or u can say this is 'Pizza' some have beef topping some got vegi - hehee :) and u are not going to find Pizza in Burgerking or MC-Donald do you?. you must find the Pizza shop and the following line will helpfull for u.

I just research on it. here how to find ur solutions

go to google or any search engine and type these following. ans seach.....

Foreign Credential Evaluation, Work Experience and Translation Interpretation Services

Good luck

always smile :)
help ppl so u will get helped
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