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Work Experience Problem in my DS 260

I see, hat's off to you!
Regarding the internships, they were unpaid ones. Concerning unlocking the DS-260, I already unlocked it months ago; however, I did not mention the unpaid internships. As a result, unlocking it again will not be a good idea if I am right.
Thank you for your feedback!
You can unlock as many times as you like
Just to clarify that for others that may be reading.
There is no harm in unlocking your DS-260 there is no limit to the amount of times you can unlock. Occasionally this may cause a slight delay if the information you changed/added requires an additional check. However, if the change was significant enough for KCC to run additional checks, if you delayed advising this information until your interview there is a chance you'd be put on AP while these checks are run so best to get that out of the way before your interview.
So ... my advice is if you have time before you will become current then its best to provide as accurate information as possible.
Hay, I am DV program winner 2022, I submit my DS269 form more than one month ago, I am an Iranian living in the EU, I wrote down my 5 years of work experience in Europe but I did not write anything about older jobs that I had in Iran, because I had worked in the several companies as a marketer for very short times like a month's or two months with no proof, because they did not hire me officially, there were black jobs,(it's totally normal in Iran),I am also a theater actress and every year I had at least one performance but working individually,and it was like one month in each year
1) should I mention them in my DS 260?
2)should I write about my theater experience in DS 260?

I only write my official jobs during the past 5 years, should I unlock the form??