Won't this solve the long wait???

Bella Blues

Registered Users (C)
I posted this on the Priority Date Retrogression board, but I really want to post this here because this also addresses the long waiting time for family-based petition. Tell me what you think about this. There are sooo many people waiting legally to get their green cards or their families. The backlog is astounding. I believe that the long waiting is due to the amount of people applying versus the small amount of people employed to handle the number of applicants. Yes, there are a few centers in some states (CA, TX, etc.) but there is only one main CIS office that issues the quota, issues the visa number, etc. Think about it, if there were two main CIS office, the waiting time would be cut in half! One main office can handle half of the applications, and turn over the other half to the second main office. Also, each city should have a small CIS branch (just like there are DMVs in every city) to address questions and to aid applicants. There will probably be less illegal immigrants too if there is a local CIS office nearby. What do you think?
BELLA, BELLA, BELLA. You've missed the point. Even If they have 500 CIS offices processing the applications, the visa center only has the power to allot the quota available in each category according to the law. Only Congress can increase that quota. People are tired of waiting and resort to other means. I think their system is a act of sabotage.
sawart said:
BELLA, BELLA, BELLA. You've missed the point. Even If they have 500 CIS offices processing the applications, the visa center only has the power to allot the quota available in each category according to the law. Only Congress can increase that quota. People are tired of waiting and resort to other means. I think their system is a act of sabotage.

I didn't know it was the Congress who allots the maximum number of visas available in each category. Has the number ever been challenged? Has anybody ever complained that the quota should be raised even by a small percentage?
I think you are correct, since the AOS I-485 is handled at the local level they need more local offices, i have to wait on miami, the worst of all, i dont care
and i dont even live in miami, my town ft lauderdale has no office, and if you are from Palm beach county they bring the green card to your house, not fair at all ,the system is a fraud
Everybody keeps talking about worker visas, what about family based? There are millions of family sponsored applicants out there waiting for years, even rougher if you are from the Phillipines, and India, but the truth Mexico has their fair share. One could'nt even think that you could have system in which they collect visa apllication fee and complete cases, send them to embassies where they sat there for months and sometimes years, when those monies that they collect could be used for something else at this time. Example look at F1, family based, just sat there for over 1 year without any movement, when alot of those people in that category paid AOS fee $70US, Visa Application Fee, $335US and Security fee $80 US as long over a year a go. This is pure nonsense.
sawart said:
Everybody keeps talking about worker visas, what about family based? There are millions of family sponsored applicants out there waiting for years, even rougher if you are from the Phillipines, and India, but the truth Mexico has their fair share. One could'nt even think that you could have system in which they collect visa apllication fee and complete cases, send them to embassies where they sat there for months and sometimes years, when those monies that they collect could be used for something else at this time. Example look at F1, family based, just sat there for over 1 year without any movement, when alot of those people in that category paid AOS fee $70US, Visa Application Fee, $335US and Security fee $80 US as long over a year a go. This is pure nonsense.

Yes, my main concern is the family based petition, too. I am in that category, I'm currently waiting for the F2B dates to move forward faster. I have been waiting for 8 years for my greencard! We really should file a proper complain regarding this, it's ridiculous to have to wait this long. There's amnesties for illegal immigrants but how about us? When are they going to give us a break?!?
Yes, really, something needs to be done about this. Waiting for a greencard over 8 years now is totally ridiculous and I guess you have another 2-3 years or more to go as they are moving the priority dates at a very slow pace. I think this is intentional. The year started on Oct 1st each year and since last October some categories have seen little or no movement, when each new year new numbers are assigned. Truly in this area you cant blame the Mexicans!
Perhaps in some states, additional resources would be helpful to handle some of the backlogged paperwork. I know here in Oklahoma we have one DO for the whole state and it is more than sufficient. I have nothing but praise for my local DO. On the two occasions that I visited the office (fingerprinting and AOS interview), there was never any line-up and my appointments were always kept on time. Very efficient folks there.
Wait Times

The wait time to get your husband or wife processed should be zero. Having papers sit on someones desk for 7 months is rediculous. I do not know excatly where the backlog is, but this problem needs to be solved.

I have a few relatives and friends that have married foreigners, and each of them independently told me that the Dept of Homeland Security is the worst run governmental agency ever. Maybe it is better now, but I will soon find out.

Is there a limit on number of immigrant spouses that can enter the US? I had heard that this was not the case. If there is not, then they need to hire more people.
For immediate relatives there is no quota but that does not mean that there is no time for the process to occur (means a waiting time), all the others categories even the priority date is current must wait for a visa number. That is the key, two factors must be in place: a visa number available and the priority date. You can have your priority date current but probably there is no more visa numbers applicable.
Lets hope this will pass

The currently being debated in the Senate has the following ammendments, if this pass the waiting time could be well reduced.

TITLE V – BACKLOG REDUCTION31 Sec. 501. Elimination of Existing Backlogs. Section 501 would remove immediate relatives (spouses, children, and parents) of U.S. citizens from the annual worldwide ceiling of 480,000 family-based visas and redistribute them elsewhere in the family-based preference system. It also would more than double the ceiling on employment-based visas from 140,000 to 290,000. And it would exempt spouses and children of employment-based immigrants from the limits. Section 501 would provide for the recapture of both family-based and employment-based visas that go unused because of processing delays. Sec. 502. Country Limits. Section 502 would increase per-country ceilings for both employment-based and family-based immigrant visas. Sec. 503. Allocation of Immigrant Visas. Section 503 would redistribute the 480,000 family-based immigrant visas among the existing four family-based preference categories and redistribute the 290,000 employment-based visas, making modifications to the categories. Sec. 504. Relief for Minor Children. Section 504 would allow an applicant for an immigrant visa who is a child to also bring his or her child with them as a derivative immigrant. Sec. 505. Shortage Occupations. Added by the Judiciary Committee, section 505 would exempt from the worldwide and per-country numerical limitations aliens seeking entry to fill Schedule A (shortage) occupations including nurses, physical therapists. The exemption would begin on the date of enactment and end on September 30, 2017. Sec. 506. Relief for Widows and Orphans. Added by the Judiciary Committee, section 506 would codify the Widows and Orphans Act of 2006 to establish a new special immigrant category for certain widows and orphans outside the U.S. who are determined to be at risk of harm. 31 This title is drawn from provision in the November 9, 2005 Specter Chairman’s Mark. However, dropped from this draft are what were sections 505, “Amending the Affidavit of Support Requirements”; section 506, “Discretionary Authority”; and section 507, “Family Unity” of the November 9, 2005, Chairman’s Mark.
The new bill will help family and employment based visas...it will be very helpful to me personaly. But I cannot stop thinking about the other problems the bill presents....they keep patching the system the way IT guys patch a bad code...the patch tends to fix part of the problem but creats others.

the whole system is not functioning and I used to argue to my frineds when they used to tell me about their strugles and did not believe their stories..I really could not believe that such things could happen in the USA till my N400 application got stuck and have been forced to live seperate from my wife for 2 years now..waiting for my citizenship or her visa to become current.