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won lottery green card but never get visa number


Registered Users (C)
i won lottery green card in 2003 but never get visa number.
i already passed interview, had working permit etc.
i still waiting for my visa number to be call.
i know it is already pass the cut date but my lawyer said we still hope that the immegration is going to do something.
is anybody in this situation or anybody has an advice please?
i am ready to do anything to live here legally.
DV-2003? and if you didn't get the GC by September 2003, you won't get it.

DV-2004 and if you didn't get the GC by September 2004, you won't get it.

Don't you think your lawyer is just milking you?
it is so sad. :(
i knew that they have the cat date.
but event i already passed the interview and passed everything.
i hope that they going to do something to make it right.
just a hope of illegal person who do everything right.