Without a Yellow Form When INS Issue FP


Registered Users (C)
I heard about that in most case, INS will issue a yellow form when they send FP notification. But my lawyer did not receive a yellow form with my FP. Is this normal? For recent FP people, did INS issue you a yellow form with your FP? Thanks in advance.

RD 2/1/2001
ND 3/1/2001
FP 2/10/2002
Yellow forms

It may true. I got my FP without yellow form.
I read in Sheela Murthy\'s page that if you receive FP notice within a year after filing 485 it is not necessary.
Check with your lawyer also. It is good if it is approved without yellow or red forms.

Good luck.
i got my fp notice without yellow form

I was told by my lawyers that of late ins is not sneding out yellow forms. But i could always receive it at a later date.