Wish You all a Happy New Year!!!

Let's bid adieu to this tortoise year (slow approvals) and welcome the deer year (let's pray) ;)
Wish you all a happy new year 2004
Originally posted by dsatish
Let's bid adieu to this tortoise year (slow approvals) and welcome the deer year (let's pray) ;)
Wish you all a happy new year 2004

I would say Cheeta year, anyway wish everybody speedy approval & very Happy & Prosporus New Year.

Rd : 09/09/02
Fp: 11/14/02
Ad: INS Knows!:)
Originally posted by gateway
I would say Cheeta year, anyway wish everybody speedy approval & very Happy & Prosporus New Year.

Rd : 09/09/02
Fp: 11/14/02
Ad: INS Knows!:)

Don't think INS/USCIS has any clue about anybody's AD.:) ;)