Will we be punished by calling VSC so much?


Registered Users (C)
I called VSC today. It seems that each time I call they log it on my file. I wonder I will be punished because the fact I call them.
LCSilence said:
I called VSC today. It seems that each time I call they log it on my file. I wonder I will be punished because the fact I call them.

Not long ago there was a "brigand" on this site who had a very good answer for your question (other ppl were concerned as well in the past):

" ... An internal source told me that applicants are allowed to check online status only once a week. If u check more than 3 times a week, it immediately triggers a RED ALERT at the USCIS office. A sniffer progam is deployed to trace you down.

Once u have been traced, then its all over. FBI commandos are deployed to conduct a raid at your apt. 10 black commandoes will break open ur front door, jab thier AK 47s into your forehead. You will be handcuffed and dragged from your house. You will be too dazed to notice the choppers hovering across ur house and a mob of newsreaders desperately trying to ask u something.

Next thing u know ur in jail for a few days and then deported back to home country.

But talk to your lawyer if u can reapply after that ... "
way to go nemesis...!!!!! good one !!!! :D :D :D

nemessis said:
Not long ago there was a "brigand" on this site who had a very good answer for your question (other ppl were concerned as well in the past):

" ... An internal source told me that applicants are allowed to check online status only once a week. If u check more than 3 times a week, it immediately triggers a RED ALERT at the USCIS office. A sniffer progam is deployed to trace you down.

Once u have been traced, then its all over. FBI commandos are deployed to conduct a raid at your apt. 10 black commandoes will break open ur front door, jab thier AK 47s into your forehead. You will be handcuffed and dragged from your house. You will be too dazed to notice the choppers hovering across ur house and a mob of newsreaders desperately trying to ask u something.

Next thing u know ur in jail for a few days and then deported back to home country.

But talk to your lawyer if u can reapply after that ... "
lol :D :D :D

actually, they do log it on your file. I got a warning from a customer rep who's voice would be perfect for the voice of big-brother in 1984. the guy had a nasty attitude too. told me not to call about i-140 again. every conversation is transcribed and filed.

but i hit the webpage 10 times a day. no problems. i think if you exceed 200 hits within 2 min or something it blocks your IP.
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Thx for remembering me!! im touched

nemessis said:
Not long ago there was a "brigand" on this site who had a very good answer for your question (other ppl were concerned as well in the past):

" ... An internal source told me that applicants are allowed to check online status only once a week. If u check more than 3 times a week, it immediately triggers a RED ALERT at the USCIS office. A sniffer progam is deployed to trace you down.

Once u have been traced, then its all over. FBI commandos are deployed to conduct a raid at your apt. 10 black commandoes will break open ur front door, jab thier AK 47s into your forehead. You will be handcuffed and dragged from your house. You will be too dazed to notice the choppers hovering across ur house and a mob of newsreaders desperately trying to ask u something.

Next thing u know ur in jail for a few days and then deported back to home country.

But talk to your lawyer if u can reapply after that ... "
Don't worry about calling VSC, but it is just waste of time to call them as they are rep's who have no real authority to do anything. I would probably try to contact the Senator/Congressman's office and try to put some pressure on your case instead of just calling VSC. I would say sometimes it might back fire too, if you call about the same thing day in and day out. Use your judgement.

LCSilence said:
I called VSC today. It seems that each time I call they log it on my file. I wonder I will be punished because the fact I call them.