will VSC finish processing Apr/May cases by end of FEB??

Depends on

What you consider as complete. 50%, 60% of cases? Coz, There are still cases from Jan\'01 pending.
I will say they would

Mine is June 1st. Not big deal to me when they start to do June cases as long as they are moving ahead. Actually they will never finish all Aril or May case by a specific date. We have seen a few December cases are still being aproved...
It takes a crystal ball...

If anybody can foretell that, I bet they\'d be packin their bags to Las Vegas to become Zillionaires!!
Ya I guess Rajnum is right...

there were not many APR/MAY Cases so majority of them will be done by Feb end. Infact we should see few more June cases by end of Feb. They should process 20/25 cases in a week the way they used to do last summer.
80% would be complete

I would consider 80% processed as finished. The remaining 20% could because of
slow officers,
CP cases waiting for files from consulate,
interview transfers,

Depends on how they treat EB 485 cases and non-EB 485 cases

There are not many EB 485 cases in April/May.
But the fact is that EB 485 cases are just a part of all 485 cases.
If VSC process I485 together, then we will not expect they pass
April/May quickly. If the process EB cses and non-EB cases seperately,
then we can expect they start EB/June cases soon.

Who know? God !

God bless June2001 filers !!!
Actually minority

I saw somewhere on this board EB cases is just 1/6 of all cases.

I hope this is not true.

If someone know the truth, please post information here, Thanks!!!
No Title

VSC has stopped processing all 485 cases till march end due to load shring across TSC and NSC.
There was some postings on this board that processing of I-140

from TSC will be done by VSC. I did read this on some other boards also. Don\'t know how far it is true.

visit http://www.immigration-law.com/
click on "Breaking News" and read the section
Updated 02/12/2002: TSC Strives to Reduce I-140 Processing Times

But did not read anywhere about VSC halting 485.

oohLaLa, where did u get this info from?

From his alias I can sense this is a guy who enjoys others\' suffering. If you look at his old post you can see his case was approved two weeks ago. Now he is hanging around the board spreading some rumors....
