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Will Obama Change Immigration Rights?


Registered Users (C)
Just curious if Obama is elected will he make it easier/harder for migrants to move to the USA?

I believe he doesn't make it easier or harder unless there's a news announced regards the green card. So don't worry about it, if he wants to stop the lottery then it will be announce on the website. So check it out on the website. Good luck :)
still not sure how much president is going to make decision on this issue(bush was for CIR).Obama is certainly more preferred than mccaine. John maccaine is backinng away from the original CIR. Now president is actually not the problem.

Altho republicans will argue that the results are the same, as long as we get majority democrat senators elected this year, the situation will improve (treating skilled migrants like dogs).republicans (left and right) cut visas from clinton periood. they did nothing to improve the situation except the july rule(which was forced upon CIS by the lawyers).
so let us pray things will change.
Obama is certainly more preferred than McCaine.

I do not think that the presidential choice should be based upon benefits for the immigrants, and not on the entirety of the candidates' political views. America is very lucky that most of the people from this forum cannot vote :)
Just curious if Obama is elected will he make it easier/harder for migrants to move to the USA?

I think every one would agree that U.S immigration is in a complete mess. Its when people start to talk about fixing it when the disagreements start.
I talked to Obama yesterday and he said he's got a buch of other stuff he needs to get to first....
They already made new regulations that made it harder to obtain the work visa (H1B). Now, companies who are having financial problems or currently receiving aid, are not allowed to hire any foreign workers. Its sucks but understandable why they did this.
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