Will my USCIS office request USPS redelivery of my certified letter?


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I recently had my N400 interview but even though I was approved by the IO on the day, I got a letter a few days afterwards asking for court dispositions.

After getting the requested documents, I sent them via certified USPS mail to the office address (Manchester, NH).

Unfortunately my mail arrived there last Saturday, when the office was closed. When I pull up my tracking number on usps.com, it says that they "left a notice for the recipient".

Now it's Monday evening and the usps.com site *still* says they have not picked up my letter, nor have they requested a redelivery. If they don't do so within 15 days, it will be sent back to me, and the 30-day deadline for getting the documentation will expire!

I wish I hadn't sent it certified because then it would have just been popped into their mailbox and it would be in my IO's hands already. Now I have to sit around for 2 weeks, checking usps.com and hoping that someone in the office sees the failed delivery notice and requests the letter be redelivered before the deadline.

I really thought USPS would retry the delivery at least once! This sucks. Any ideas on how to get it there? I have a copy of the documents but the originals are what they wanted, and they are all in that envelope.

Thanks in advance...
Oh I hope so, Bobsmyth! Thanks for the vote of confidence, I will sleep a little better tonight.

Jeez, even after 11 years dealing with the INS, the many dimensions and avenues of weird problems I have never fail to amaze me :)
If the first attempt of any so called accountable mail is not succesfull, it will be redeliver one more time and if unsuccesful again. In the next 10 days period USPS will send 2 more notice to receiver to pick up the item or ask for redelivery and if no action it will send back to sender.Yours will deliver soon since their office was closed.
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And there it is - "Status: Delivered"

Just like you said it would be :) Thanks Bobsmyth, you should change your forum rank from "Moderator" to "Clairvoyant"!