will INS ever start Dec'01 applications!!!!!!

Sometime Feb. or March

Looks like they will be stuck in the Nov. ND spike for a while. I wonder if we can start getting Dec. approval sometime Feb. or March the earliest :mad: :(
INS stopping processing for a few weeks.

Or so was posted by Jim Mills in a different thread. Apparently INS is trying to implement some security checks to stop processing of cases that might be adversely marked by FBI and other agencies. So all processing on 485 has been stopped for a couple of weeks till that is done.

Going by the stream of approvals drying up like a puddle in the desert, I am inclined to believe it.

I am so mad at the freaking INS I could scream! :mad: :(
Ok, to clear one month's work INS is taking around 6 months. So Nov will be cleared by Feb/March, at the same time dec would start in apprx January/Feb, which means January 2002 would start in May/June, which means February would start in November 2003, .. so yea one year sounds right.

140_takes_4ever, I wish screaming would help. I do that everyday, and every minute of my living breath, I curse INS, I wish them hell and death.
245i cases

There are a lots of 245i cased pending in INS office. Same thing happenned to my labor case last year. Once that is cleared, it will resume normal speed.
Don't agree with that c4naperville

I doubt you are correct. Most 245(i) applicants were EB3 and without RIR, so while there might be a few cases who have actually passed labor and 140, but they would all be in 2002 and not 2001. Currently INS is processing Nov 2001 which is way way before 245(i). If you think this is slow wait till all the 245 (i) cases come up for approval!

This delay is completely INS driven. They have decided to go slow, partly because political will is lacking and mostly because they are a bunch of sadistic, lazy, procrastrinating, B@#$%^&s.
