Will I be permitted to enter USA?


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Will I be permitted to enter USA if USCIS comes to know about charges in India?

I am now in USA but I was arrested in India by a false complaint by ex-wife and had 2 days in jail. The charge was on trespassing. The trial is not concluded and I am not convicted but the charge is still pending in Indian Court. I was released and was allowed by Indian Court to travel back to USA.

The only way USCIS will come to know about my prior arrest when I am going to disclose the same thing in my application for Citizenship. My record in US is clean. After filing for citizenship, USCIS MAY deny me but that is not my worry as I will continue to stay in US on my Green Card. However, after applying for citizenship I am thinking of going to India on my annual visit. The question is will I be stopped at POE and denied entry?
Anyone ?

This thread has been read 2271 times (as of Sep 29) but not a single reply ? Anyone could please help me?
Find a lawyer in India who can clear the charges, hopefully without you having to set foot in India. But the question is, did you forget to mention the court case on your greencard application? Was the arrest AFTER you filed your greencard app? That matters a lot!
Arrest was after GC

Yes, I am working with a lawyer in India to get the case vacated. However, he tells me that I need to be India only once to go in front of Judge and deny the charges. Only then he will be able to open the case and fight to get it dismissed.

Needless to say but I have consulted the case with three attorneys in US and they also told me the same thing, that is, get it dismissed in India. I have charges pending against me in India but I am not convicted and I am released on bond.

I obtained GC in 2004 while the arrest was done in 2007.
I'am not sure- That is what i find out: Cases for losing your permission to stay:
If the U.S. border officials, for example, assumes that the green card holder has given up his U.S. residence, this can lead to unpleasant consequences - including the withdrawal of the green card.
This is assumed as a rule unless it has been spending too much time outside the U.S.:
- A residence outside the U.S. for up to six months is certainly not yet a problem here
- Even with an absence of 6-12 months, that is less than one year, the green card is valid. However, this period can lead to unpleasant already asking the U.S. border officials
- After a consistently spent abroad year, so after 365 demonstrated outside the U.S. spent days, is no longer the Permanent Resident Card valid for entry!