Will case inquiry cause case transfer ?


Registered Users (C)
Folks , any experience with case inquiry. Is it good or bad.
Will USCIS slam with local office case transfer. Planning to do one,just want to go by statistics in the forum. :p
RD - Mar-03.
jish said:
Folks , any experience with case inquiry. Is it good or bad.
Will USCIS slam with local office case transfer. Planning to do one,just want to go by statistics in the forum. :p
RD - Mar-03.

our case inquiry caused case transfer to no-man world (MSC/NBC).
Obviously it's bad when you do case inquiry after address change or employer change or if your case within processing dates.
Sad to hear that.
Looks like bunch of cowboys are sitting at uscis transferring cases for any request (expedite/congressional/AILA/inquiry/even G bush etc). It seems best option is to sit tight, stay with the same employer and reside at the same place else you r doomed.
What a way to reward honest tax payers ?????
Human Rights watchdog !!! Are you listening to our plight ....
our case inquiry caused case transfer to no-man world (MSC/NBC).
Obviously it's bad when you do case inquiry after address change or employer change or if your case within processing dates.
Was it a out of state move within 2 different Service center jurisdictions or employment change. Did you use AC-21 ?
jish said:
Was it a out of state move within 2 different Service center jurisdictions or employment change. Did you use AC-21 ?
RFE for employment letter & Tax returns.
Yes, employment change ofcourse AC-21.
then 8 months later out of state move (AR-11) within same SC.
In my case, it turned out to be good

I contacted the customer service as well as Senator (NH)'s office. I got a standard reply by mail from VSC stating backlog, blah-blah causing the delay. Fortunately, I got the approval on 11/8.

RD 10/2/2002
AD 11/8/2004
no adverse effect in my case...

I had called twice once with address change and once with case status inquiry (10/26). There was no response to inquiry but got the approval e mails today.