why , Why , WHY ??


Registered Users (C)
I keep on wondering why people are ruining their present by worrying about their future. Take what you have , go back and enjoy life ! The worries are not worth the GC you might get. It is still the same runaround . If jobs are being outsourced, what difference does it make if you have H1, GC or citizenship ?
Tell me .
I believe all we want is security. And once you are legal to stay & work in this country you atleast have this much security that you are not breaking any rules.

As far as jobs or outsourcing etc is concerned, I personally believe those are just excuses for losers. If you are competent enough you will always succeed.

Always remember: Losers have excuses & Winners have Plans.
Agreed ! But not everybody can be a winner. If you really belive you have it in you, then by all means go ahead and give up your life and maybe you will get a pot of gold at the end. But at what price ! Remember to gain something you have to lose something. So if you want more money, fame etc. be prepared to sacrifice your family etc at the altar.
As far as security goes, you already have all the security at your home. If there are no jobs what will do with security ?
GC is must compared to H1. You can do have legal status and you need not to depend on any company mercy, and the most important is you can do any kind of job with GC. You can even stay without any job if you have money. Simply you cannot do all this without H1. That's why GC is a must no matter what.

Whatever way you look, you need GC. Without GC, there is no peace in life as long as you want to be in USA.
Hey Cran
Are you alright?????
I preassume that you must be a GC/Citizenship holder...
If you can give some moral support to people over here..else.....yuo know....
After comming all the way and waiting for almost 2 years(at I-485 stage), how can you expect to not think about the GC.

With fustration I was thinking to goback, but this forum made me to stay.

Let me fight for the proper cause and if I am not successful then there is a point in going back...

So 90% of this forum user/GC waiter set a separate memory for GC dream that to it became a DayDreaming for somany...

IT is not easy to forget, even after getting GC people still visit this site.

The BCIS and AILA are acting like a blood sucking Vampire(s).

Hey cran2

You stop running behind 485 waiters..and run behind your W...e. OK.

Stay at home...and make some chappathi...to feed the money making W..e..

Here is my answer posted elsewhere also. Our biggest enemy is from WITHIN.

They are three kinds of people on this forum. The first kind is the people
who work hard, the second kind is the people like you that apparently have nothing to contribute and apparently WAIT for the
few to eventually do the work for their GC also and the third are people who do not even deserve to be here, at this stage of
the I-485. In my opinion they are not FIT TO GET ANY GREEN CARD..any card for that matter.They are the result of a misused
immigration system and thus have become part of the problem. My advise for them. SHUT UP.
Another note to you..if you do not like it..go away. DO not complain as you are not a moderator or anything close to that with
five postings. maybe you will tell us what you have done so far for the public good here. People do not need your eye opening
advices. Better keep quiet or go get baptised, get your fears out of yourself and come back...born again and ready to fight.
When some body is showing a way to be happy ....
people here are rejecting it with loud voice, ofcource without thinking. If they prefer to stay in misery, and refusing to see the brighter side... god even cannot help...

YES ...We want GC.. but at the same time we do not want to CRY for 2 years .....
but will continue doing what ever we can to expedite process... except CRYING

have SAD weeked guys... :D:D.. if you still prefer

roate huye ... rehata hai tu
haste rehna tho...bhool gaye ...
Really, strange advice. I wonder what prompted cran2 to post it.
I mean why leave the process and go back just like that? What sense does it make? Do you think if you go back you will have no worries at all? Maybe Cran2 wanted to just say not to worry too much about GC but then the message seems to have missed the point.

I guess the best thing should be to be able to compartmentalize the stuff.. So have concern for the gc and fight for it but at the same time don't let it become all consuming.. Also find time to enjoy and take a couple of days break once in a while from visiting immigration sites and checking online status ;) .

I am a god believer and I believe whatever god does would eventually be good for you. But that does not mean pack your bags and go away..
It is just a lot of folks are beginning to wonder, if it worth it, and may be we are loosing more than we bargained for.
Misery loves company.

It's always comfortable to know that other folks are experiencing something similar. People, who worry, spend lot of time speculating on what might occur, and then fearing the worst that can ensue.
Cran2’s intent might be good and honest, but who cares!!! We will beat him to a pulp, because he spoke about something that might change our miserable viewpoint. We know it all !!! Don’t we.
I know it is tough to accept, but it is a fact. All desis want to be here for the money whereas their heart is back home. You will spend all your life running after money wondering everyday whether you have a job tomorrow . At the end you will be old, miserable and alone ( and maybe rich ) . What a price to pay ! The writing is clear. Understand if you can !