Why time difference for FP between me and spouse?

GC Hopeful

Registered Users (C)
ND 12/10/01. Wife got FP notice 10 days ago & AVM was updated. I\'m still waiting for mine (I am primary applicant). Until now, all notices for me and my wife were received within a couple of days of eachother. Does it mean there\'s a problem?
Wait for couple of weeks and go to local INS

One of my friend didn\'t received his fp notice for 2-3 months. His wife has already received. He called ins several times but they couldn\'t help. Finally he went to the local ins. They made some correction and he received fp notice in 1-2 weeks.

Hopefully everything is fine in your case.

This was my friend\'s experience.

you should get your notice soon. don\'t worry

my wife\'s FP notice was received more than 2 weeks later than mine. Accordingly, her FP was scheduled 19 days later.
Check with your lawyer first

   It is possible that INS sent both copies of the FP. notice to the lawyer\'s office. Such was the situation in my wife\'s case ( I am the primary applicant ). Luckily my lawyer\'s asst. called to remind me of my FP. appt. (for which I had got a copy of the notice from the INS) and I got to know of my wife\'s FP. appt in the course of the conversation. She sent us one of the two FP. notices she got for my wife. Do not be surprised if you get your appt. at a different center and a different date from your wife. Happened in our case too. Hope this helps.
April Filer need more info please...

Hi April Filer,
Can you please give some more details about your friends case.
What did he ask at the local INS office? Did he go personally to the office?

My and my wife\'s RD is Sept\'01 and am still waiting for FP. Called up VSC and they asked me to contact local office.

To surfer and others.

1. VSC AVM updates if fp notice has been sent.

2. Both (you and your lawyer) will FP notice.

3. If both primary and dependent applicant didn\'t receive notice. I guess this is normal because FP notices will be sent depending upon availability (work load) at the local ins (finger print center).

4. If any one of you(primary or dependent applicant) didn\'t receive fp notice and other (primary or dependent) receive fp notice for more than 2-3 weeks, there must be something wrong. This is my guess.

5. In my friend\'s case ins was sending fP notices to some other applicants address. His wife (dependent) received fp notice long back. He was keep calling ins but they couldn\'t help. Finally he went to local ins, waited lin line and enquired at the enquiry counter. They noticed that his fp notice has been sent to different applicants address twice. They had no answer for that. Finally they fixed that and he received his fp notice in 2 weeks.

does not really matter..time difference between my wife and me for FP was 3 months

Wife\'s FP was done 12/24/2001 and everything is fine when I last spoke to IIO, mine is scheduled for 3/26/2002 - State PA - Philly