Why processing has frozen


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I saw on murthy forum that BCIS is reviewing all past approved cases, that's 99% resources allocated to.

Unless they finish that task, I don't think approvals will come in normal speed.

Expect Jan 2004 be the turning point. It seems they want to waste the rest two months of this year on this meaningless thing.

And who said the Zero Tolerance has gone! It's now Negative Tolerance.
It's a ploy to delay the processing. They don't want to give Greencards to foreign techies. They are just looking for proper excuses.
Scot girl:

Dengdeng meant BCIS was reviewing those who already got their GC approvals in past like 10 years. This stupid review was initiated by the the most stupid person in the world, John Ashcraft.

Originally posted by Scotgirl
Maybe a silly question but what do you mean "reviewing past approved cases"?
Yes, USCIS was reviewing the prior approved cases. But I thought it was over sometime back.

All these adjudications officers are aware that USCIS don't nned them if they clear backlogs USCIS don't need them. So backlog is their job security, so these backlogs will never reduce.
Interesting. I did not realize they did that (went back and reviewed you after approval). Thanks for the info!
The USCIS directory was on Lou Dobb's Money show (CNN) few weeks back and had made a similar comment about reviewing past approvals. Looks like USCIS is in bug fix mode....new releases will take time :)
Originally posted by Scotgirl
Interesting. I did not realize they did that (went back and reviewed you after approval). Thanks for the info!

Our "Friend" "John Ashcroft was so paranoid after (now defunct) INS ( stripped off from Ashy baby and made part of DHS ) issued visas to the Jehadi gang led by ATTA after 9/11 , that he ordered INS to check all old visas for any such lapses under the so called Zero Tolerance policy.......Did they find out anything other than wasting tax dollars .. Hmmmmm.. not really......