Why Only Empl Letter Rfe\'s getting approved bit not I-140 redo RFE

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Hi Guys. I was happy after seeing Meena\'s approval after I-140 redo but after seeing VSC68 posting where the officer told vsc68 that his case is on hold, I am very disppointed. Is it that Arjuna\'s and Meena\'s approval stray cases and most of us are on hold. Did any one with I140 redo approved e speak to IIO in the recent past. Any new information. I am worried as my I-140 too was approved in mid Jan and nothing since then. Any comments on vsc68\'s posting.
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If you look at VSC68\'s previous posting, his PD is july 97 which is not current for the month of Feb. Couldn\'t this be the reason his case is on hold?
Just a thought.
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I hope that is the reason.But why did the IIO tell him that they are waiting for instructions from headqaurters. They could have told him No visa numbers available as a lot of people are told who are not current. I wish there is no hold but the number of approvals for I-140 redo causes me to think otherwise. Hope we see a lot more approvals from the I-140 redo group in the coming days.
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Well, I hope so too. Moreover, I am not able to understand what they could be waiting for. I mean, after issuing a lot of I-140 redo RFEs for no real rhyme or reason, and approving the resulting amended I-140 petitions, what do they want to confirm with the INS HQ? We all know that the INS HQ had always clear that an I-140 redo is not required in the case of a clear successor-in-interest case and the other 3 service centers are following that directive, of course, except Vermont. Now after delaying all these petitions for so many months, they want to delay this process further????
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Me too. Meena\'s Post gave me some hopes which were quiclky doused by VSC68 posting. Uptil Early dec 00 all the redo approved cases had 485 approved within a short period, but from then on we guys are suffering. I hope it ends soon for all of us. Keep posting of any developments.
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Hi All, Thank you for all of your postings.
IIO did tell me that my file is on HOLD and they are waiting for
HeadOffice instructions.When I pressed it on Why are they waiting
after issuing the I140 redo?.She took time and said anyway
your PD July 97,eb3/INDIA is not current now and we will only consider from March 1/2001.

Guys it has been frustating wait....
I wish all good luck

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All I40 redo waiters
I talked to iio today and was extreamly disappointed. He told me that I-1485 processing for cases with merger / name change/ acquition has been on kept on hold until they here from headquarters which they expect to hear latest by April 1st. He told me that my case is also on hold. I verified that my 1-40 and 485 is linked. He asked me to call around Mid march to find out if they had the new regulations from head qaurters.
It seems like some of the approvals we are seeing for redo cases are from officers who do not know about this hold. I guess I am not so lucky as the others to squeez thru. I am totally convinced that there is a hold on my case after talking to IIO.
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How do you make sure that your 140 and 485 are linked? I have never contacted IIO since my 140 redo was approved. May be I should also call them and make sure 140 and 485 are linked. Can you explain what exactly do I need to tell them?
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Usually, if your I-485 & I-140 are NOT linked (especially after your I-140 redo has been approved), when you talk to an IIO and ask about the status of your I-485, the person will tell you that they are waiting to hear back from you for the RFE that they issued on ..... That should tell you that your I-485 & I-140 have not been linked together, atleast that was what was happening in my case for weeks. Everytime I call them up, I was told that they are waiting to hear back from me.....
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I have read in one of the Attorney sites that you may get RFEs if your experience & qualifications are not relevant to your job. Is any of you guys have this kind of issue.
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Well, I am not sure if that question is relavant at this point. If your experience & qualifications are not relevant to your job, it should have been fixed at the labour certification stage itself in the first place, and what has that to do with an I-140 redo????
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I don\'t know if you get I-140 redo for this or not. But according to one one of the attorney\'s on the web, she thinks irrelevant experience may result in RFEs in the I-485 processing.
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BJSR - Thanks for your response,but our gang here on this thread is worried about a specific issue ie,post 140-redo waiting for 485 approval.
No offense intended but,Like Govinda Vinod said what\'s your point?.We are not discussing what would cause a RFE!