WHY only 200 ?

Names appear multiple times

Why are people in the petition multiple times. Suresh Nathani is
signed up three times, Santhoshan Vengattery twice etc.

I think a sorting/uniquifying program needs to be run on the
Re: Names appear multiple times

Originally posted by jamaican_man
Why are people in the petition multiple times. Suresh Nathani is
signed up three times, Santhoshan Vengattery twice etc.

I think a sorting/uniquifying program needs to be run on the

i guess that some people are entering the A# of their dependents(wife, children etc) separately, but entering the main applicants name in all the entries. It could also be due to clicking the submit button 2 or 3 times.
Please ask your spouses also to sign so that it adds up to the numbers. Their I485 application can be treated as separate one.
I just signed the petition, but is it of any use. I have been told by a number of people that online petitions are useless and not even considered as "proof" or valid in a court of law. If one does sign a real paper signature campaign, that is a different story.

Does anyone know if it is true? Is there any point in signing online petitions?