Why Me??????????

Still Have not recieved the notice

I again take this opportunity to thank you all, for your kind words, support, advise, and encouragement.

Since yesterday have been surfing a lot of forums including this one, Sheela Murthy, Immitracker, Shusterman etc etc.

And the feeling that I got was that once I do get the notice, and if it in fact for Out of status problem then I should be OK.

I ll keep you guys posted

Thanks again.

NB:Anyone esle out there with NOID (Notice Of Intent To Deny) please share your experiences.
Sorry to hear that

Dont loose hope, work your way up during this difficult time. At the end everything would sort out in your favor.
i blame your attorney

he could have noted this fact and filed your application under the provisions of 245(i) or (k). Then you never had to undergo this tension. I was in Houston when LIFE act was passed and I could see that thousands of immigrants benefited from that.

Guess What Guys!!!!!!!
Just got a copy of the Intent To Deny Notice from my Lawyer.

It Starts
Dear Xxxxx

This is to notify you Blah Blah Blah Blah

Then It states a number of laws about who and why and what

The Important part is and I am going to write as is

It does not appear that you qualify to adjust status under Section 245(k) because of the reasons listed above and it appears that you have been out of a lawful immigration status for over an aggregate of 180 days.

However section 245(i) of the act provides you may still adjust status, despite the grounds of ineligibility listed above, if you submit the following:

Form I-485 Supplement A
Penalty fee of $1000

This service will not make a final decision on your application for 30 days. During that time you may submit the additional item(s) requested above.

Send your response and a copy of this letter (Enclosed) to:

Address of VSC.
End of letter

Guys thank you one and all for your prayers, support, well wishes, guidance, optimism and advise.

I am gonna have a peaceful nights sleep tonight, and a Beautiful weekend with my kids. And wish the same for everyone on this forum.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
:) Great news, july16!

Well probably not so great that you have to pay $1000. But like I said just "additional doc & extra $$"

Relax & have a good night sleep. Enjoy the weekend!
As other friends have said, all our prayers are with you.

Don't fight a fact, deal with it. The key to motivation at this time is to look at how far you have come clearing all those obstacles rather than how far you have to go.

I understand your anguish and the pain you went through. After several years suffering for the Green Card, my hair is turning grey.

Anyhow, congratulations, I am sure that you soon will have your Green Card!

(who needs some hair color)

Ok friends first of all let me take this opportunity to thank all my fellow waiters here who have taken their VALUABLE time to advise me and to guide me and for their prayers.

Yes I did take your advise and applied for EAD renewal on July 19 2002 and today when I got home from work and checked my mailbox, there was the envelope from ST. Albans, with my new EAD valid until Sep 17 2003.

As you all know I have already sent 2 checks of 1000.00 each for myself and my better half with the supplement I485A on July 26 2002, and am waiting for the checks to be cleared, and also waiting for a receipt form VSC for the same.

Will keep you guys posted

Thanks again one and all

I am sure...along with the receipt notice for UR Chks...U should get UR approvals too...
Normally after UR response to the RFE if everythin gis OK...U get the approval very very fast
mann mein hai vishwas...pooora hai...

my two cents...

In addition to all the research...think about your own case in detail....what the RFE might be...would help you prepare a
quick reply

You'll win ....my friend ...you will win!

good luck!