Why is everybody so crazy about GC ?


Registered Users (C)
If you get it fine. If not, go back to your home country. You can still lead a happy life there. Don't ruin your present by worrying aboout the future

Tell me, Why is everybody so crazy about GC ?
They are not crazy ! They do not have patience just like other desis. They think that INS sleeps as if these are great work minded dedicated sincere ones.
Show me one better quality compared to locals ?

Its a valuable thing from One aspect.
Its human nature to get worried. Some will say we will get freedom after GC. they can work where ever they want and No H1 Problems, More salaries and so on. you can do business after GC. Need not to relocate if you don't have to.

Going back home --> thats huge topic, and its each person will what he/she decides.

How you doing,

Looks like you didn't Visited Portal for past 2-3 days.

I didn't count but I think have posted 30-40 messages..

Nice to hear from you..
Can I ask you 2 questions:
If you've decided to get something do you like to get it quickly?
Staying here or going back, do you like your boss or anyone to partially control your life?

The reason I applied for GC is to remove the "spell" that I don't have the liberty to quit my job but only enjoy the right of being kicked out (if the boss does not like me). The reason I applied for GC is to have the freedom to stay here a little longer if I wish to without the thrust to get a new job. Once I decided to get a GC I prefer to get it sooner than later. People may not be "crazy" about GC as you described. Get it or not, we like to know the decision ASAP.

Originally posted by cran2
If you get it fine. If not, go back to your home country. You can still lead a happy life there. Don't ruin your present by worrying aboout the future

Tell me, Why is everybody so crazy about GC ?
Re: Green_Patta,

That is on an average 14 messages per day...
if you take around 5 min to do 1 , it will be more than an hour !!!!!

do't have any work just like some one by name patienceGC

Originally posted by Green_love
How you doing,

Looks like you didn't Visited Portal for past 2-3 days.

I didn't count but I think have posted 30-40 messages..

Nice to hear from you..

All of us that includes me and i guess you too, would love to live with as few head aches as possible. Right!
So with the current market conditions, if we have an H1 visa and are laid off, our status becomes illigal very soon. Now if we were to have a green card on the other hand, we have a lot of other opportunities out there to pursue with out being under pressure to find a new H1 sponcering employer.
If times were good, you probably would not have seen as many people complaining.
You ask why not go back to your country. Well we sure could, but why did we (that includes you) come here ?..... to make good money, and in that time, we settled into a new life style and built our home. reading your message I get the feeing that you are single, but once you have a family here, this is home to you. So its not as easy as you make it sound.
Being impatient is human nature. we just have to live with it.
good luck
That's such a silly question cran2!
No offense but it really is.. Why do you come to this site? Why do you post? If you were not worried about your green card why do you do such things?

Forget human nature to be worried. Who likes being controlled by something else? Who likes being like a prisoner to some other person's decisions? Who likes to pack up your entire life just because you did not recieve permission to stay? Yes to an extent who likes to feel like a loser?

Many people put their entire lives on hold for this reason. I will give you one example my friend has an H1 from one company in FL and her husband is working in VA. They are waiting to get the green card to be portable and begin living together. It is easy to be a judge try fiting the shoe and then you'll know.
GC Saga
Answering your question, just as I do not question your right to post your views, you should not question mine.

You are correct. Nobody likes to be controlled. People do have an option though. Go back and be happy. Some people with all the internet wealth they have accumulated will not need to work all of their lives. Just remember you always have permission to stay at your home.

It is indeed very sad to hear about your friend. The first couple of years after marraige are the magical years, memories of which will last a lifetime. Assuming your friends are young professionals who recently got married ( as almost everybody here is ), they are losing a very precious thing.

You will come to know why people are crazy
when you wait for a long time ..and you get RFE...you got laid off...or your company closed.... your H1 got expired... and you signed apartment lease for one year... and no salary... your parents like to visit US ...

there are too many things will make you crazy...just matter of time.

You don't remember how crazy you were before stamping your H1 visa ??
Permission to stay at home and all that is good.
But the whole idea that I had to leave because of something like this is beyond my comprehension. Call it ego if you must.
Yes I can stay at home earn Rs50,000 - 100,000/- a month and be happy. I can scrape by earning that much but I accumulate nothing and I lead a life wherein I am always struggling to get the next thing done, due to infrastructural issues or whatever. I don't want to get into that. That is not the life I want ot lead.
Heck, I dont even want to live in the US. I just want to climb the enxt step to lead a more harmonious life (easygoing if you want to call it so). My ultimate goal is to move to the UK. But that is going to be on my terms and not on anybody elses. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it will be.
And as for marriage and good years and all that I know that's what i tell them too but sacrifices are made everyday in life big or small. You learn to live with them and then you move on.
As for internet millions. My friend you are looking at the wrong person.
Even in a big city like bombay, 100000 is more than enough to lead an ultra-luxurious life and then have some left over.
If you do not plan to eat and live at the Taj everyday, 30000 is more than enough to meet your day to day needs and that leaves the rest as disposable income.

One more advantage of people going back will be that the lives of the people already having GCs will be easier as there will be less competition. This way the people who go back will be happy and the ones left here will also be happy.

Inner Peace and Happiness should be the ultimate goal. Running after money will get you nowhere.

I believe getting a green card means opening up more opportunities. Instead of working for the same company or going back home, a green card opens up a lot more options for an individual.

Why are we crazy about the green card? We are crazy because we as human being are always seeking new opportunities. Would you call NASA crazy? Why in the hell would they want to explore space, the moon, and mars? NASA might be crazy by today's standards, but in 500 years when we colonize Mars. The new inhabitants of mars would call NASA people pioneers, visionaries.

Well, perhaps it is a bit extreme to compare going to mars with getting a green card, but the fundamentals are the same I believe.

with a H-1, one is left with two roads to choose at the cross road: go home or stay with the same company.

with a green card, one is left with infinite roads from which to choose: this includes going home and infinite other possibilities.

Why do I want to stay in this country so badly? well, in my case, i have been in the states since I was 11 years old. I have lived more than half of my life here. I don't know my home country. I have no friends in my home country. my so called "home country" is foreign to me. I know this country. My friends live here. I want to stay here. I believe in this country.
cran2 first of all I am not running a social organization wherein I should be worried about life of gc holders. They lead their own and I lead mine.
Second of all are you kidding me Rs. 30,000/- is barely enough to buy one dress of mine. I don't want to sound like a snoot. But buy 2 decent dresses (not even party wear) and those 30,000 are up in air. And you are talking about leading a luxorious life and believe me I am not talking about Taj. My dear I don't think you've been to b'bay off lately. Thigns have changed much.
30,000 is not enough for running all your household expenses.

And I think Danderkao has also put it very well.
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