Why do you care about the plasic GC?


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys:

Why do you care about the plasic GC? If you have your passport stamped it is okay.
It does not matter if you will get the plasics in 1 week or in 1 year after the stamping.
You may have to ask questions if your card does not come after 1 year but until then
there is nothing to worry about. Please correct me if I understand something wrong.
No Title

You are right but,
* If you plan to move, you have risk of plastic sent to old address/lost.
* Some countries except the card and require no visa (and not the stamp). This is highly dependant on the country which issued your passport.
* You need to carry passport with you at all times, unless you have plastic.
* There is some delay until SS computer system is updated. Some rare occasions I heard about SSN card was unattainable and hence PR was unable to work. This is only related to the issuance of plastic.
Plastic card

Does plastic card should be with the person when he applies for citizenship,Do INS ask the Plastic card at the interview time?
No Title

The Plastic puts a seal, to close the file of Green card processing in your life. Though, it is not different(in terms of legality) from the PP stamp. The PP stamp does carry minor hassels, like one airline official in U.K asked me why the H1 visa has an official looking stamp and GC has an unoffial looking and unimpressive stamp(which he did not believe was a GC stamp). I had to spend about 30 min more while he consulted his seniors etc. In the end all went well. So if one has a plastic(specially while travelling) and like I said in my first line, one can close the GC processing file.
No Title

I know of several instances where someone encountered outright rejection of the stamp\'s validity.

In one case, with Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Texas, they would not accept the application for medical insurance from a permanent resident who still just had the I-551 stamp. In spite of talking to multiple supervisors and managers, and a follow-up letter, they abolutely refused the application because the applicant could not show a copy of the card to prove his status as an immigrant & permanent resident. This person went the CP route, so could not show the I-485 approval notice as back-up evidence of his status, and BC/BS was unwilling to accept anything else (e.g. copy IV page). They hinted some willingness to accept the I-485 approval notice but NOTHING else.

A similar situation arose with an educational institution who insisted on the card as one of the items they wanted for proof of status to qualify for the lower tuition rates of a Texas resident. They DO NOT accept anything else as evidence -- no ifs, ands or buts.

Short of threatening legal action and taking on the expense of an attorney, my friend was unsuccessful in overcoming these hurdles. Fortunately, he secured medical insurance elsewhere (cheaper & better anyway), and also received his card in time for the lower tuition.
Quality check

I thought there was someone on this board who said that the INS does a quality check after the stamp, and you are not 100% safe until you get the plastic.

Has anyone heard of a case who has had problems after stamping to get the card?
No Title

If the plastic card does not mean anything more,
then there will be no need for the government to
imbed so much high-tech into it. I believe that
people have "legitmate" reasons to trust a plastic
card more than a passport stamp.
Aside question about visiting UK


Do you require a visa (not mastercard)to visit UK if you have a GC stamped?
