Why do Fingerprints expire?


Registered Users (C)
Can anyone explain why fingerprints expire and have to be taken again? Or is this just more beaurocratic stupidity?
Originally posted by hong3
Can anyone explain why fingerprints expire and have to be taken again? Or is this just more beaurocratic stupidity?

It's not the fingerprints.. it's the fingerprint REVIEW RESULTS.
Yes, but why don't they just run another check on your fingerprints - why do they need to retake the prints?

This is FBI FP result expiry in 15 months. The rational behind it, as if you are looking for rational, there has to be a proof that you did not loose any of your fingers or altered them in the preceding 15 months. So every 15 months, you should provide the proof that you are still a 10 finger human being and those 10 fingers did nothing wrong!
Thanks, Cinta,

I knew there had to be a reasonable explanation. Luckily, I still have all ten fingers (or is that 8 fingers and 2 thumbs?)
Guys if I remember correctly, I saw some posting in this group that said the government computer systems does not have the capacity to hold the prints for an indefenite amount of time. So they get expired after 15 mons or whatever. Basically they wont have your prints on the system to start with. This forces to go for another print. If your case gets picked by an office who has little brains he would approve you. But the catch is "little brain" which obviously none of the IIOs have. So we go through all the problems.
Originally posted by hong3
Thanks, Cinta,

I knew there had to be a reasonable explanation. Luckily, I still have all ten fingers (or is that 8 fingers and 2 thumbs?)

People have accidents and some try to alter the fingerprints with plastic surgery or something...
In any case, this is the primary reason, not any memory space..
"the government computer systems does not have the capacity to hold the prints for an indefenite amount of time."

This makes no sense at all. What is the point of the FBI having a fingerprint database that self-destructs after 15 months?
Heres why

Assuming some sql database table

delete from i485_fingerprints where datediff(mm,fingerprint_date,getdate())>15

Originally posted by hong3
Can anyone explain why fingerprints expire and have to be taken again? Or is this just more beaurocratic stupidity?

To quote on the lighter side, BCIS needs a way of pushing the adjudication forever so that people can hold on to jobs for indefinite time period!!!!
FP is basically is part of police clearance. CIS needs to do a police clearance check after 15 months. Whether FBI has FP data or not, CIS will send all biometrics to FBI for clearance. Some one was mentioning that if records of person were clean the FBI would destroy FP just after year. This is because 'information decays and become useless after some time'.

I remember my attorney telling me that name check is required after 4 months. CIS send all the application automatically before approving if the name check was done before four months. In 2002 each name check was taking almost 20 days.
Biographic information will be sent the countries where you have stayed for more then six months to get the Police clearance from those countries.
good question!

that is all the FBI and INS are for!

without doing these stupid prints, what else can they do?!
They should be able to hold on to the FingerPrints and analyze them as and when they please as often as they please. Rather then taking prints each time and then analyzing them each time. This is the surest and most galaring example of how incompetent BCIS is.
'information decays and become useless after some time'.

That information means people's criminal record. Let's say your record is clean in 1990, but you get a bad record in 2000. So your 1990's "infomation" become useless. But your finger print never changed in your whole life time ( just like your DNA, blood type). How people can say finger print become useless after some time? Why ask people to do it second, 3rd time?