Why apply for EB-1 or NIW in the first place


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As some of you already know I am new to this business. But I have an interesting question?

Many of you who post here have 20+ publications 50+ citations 2 awards etc. Literally most of you are qualified than my research advisor.But you still don't have a real job ( Postdoc is not a real job come on).Your spouse can't work and your future seems uncertain.

I came to US with my own dreams. I never knew much about this immigration business (I mean professional EB immigration). But now since I know , I feel like all my hopes are(or were in the first place) worthless.

I checked some other countries and for my amazement, there policies are ten times less stringent. UK for example, have a point system and a phd who had a good earning (here earnings as a postdoc is enough) seems to have near 100% chance. Remember that UK have ten times more population density than US( 300 per Sqkm oppose to 30 per Sqkm). So US policies don't even make sense.

My question is why such excellent intellectuals should go through this. Why it is worth that much. I know US is No. 1 and all. But these other countries are not bad.

Please answer. I'll appriciate if kariboo can comment on this.
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I have been to Canada and many European countries; I'm European myself, and I believe life quality in US is the best, at least from financial prospective.
Canada is very expensive and pay rates are much lower than here! Well, it is more liberal country than US if that is important at all! Most of European countries are similar. You'll live in a small nice apartment (not house), you'll enjoy your daily life but you will not save money. You'll have a long annual paid vacation (almost a month in Germany and France) but pay rates are very low, taxes are high, and everything is expensive comparing to the States.

The view may differ from person to person but if you look at other countries immigration forums (e.g. Canadian immigration forums) and read the experiences of people who migrated to Canada from US, you'll find that there is large difference (at least from making money point of view.)

If a person doesn't care about making money, then any country is fine; every one can find sufficient bread to eat!
unless we stay in other countries we will not know the reality. But few of my friends who have come from UK, have made comments that in UK people always treat you like u r a person from other country but in US people are more welcoming. And in Paris and Japan, language is a major problem. Australia, I hope you know what is happening these days.