Whom should the reference letters be addressed


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I wanted to know whom to address the reference letters for applying under the EB1-EA category, I would actually like to keep them general so that I could apply ofr EB2-NIW as well as EB1 categories. I am based in california.
Thanks a lot for your help

Make sure you follow the pattern as posted here in many links. Talk high about you and your contributions in that area in reference letters.


I wanted to know whom to address the reference letters for applying under the EB1-EA category, I would actually like to keep them general so that I could apply ofr EB2-NIW as well as EB1 categories. I am based in california.
Thanks a lot for your help
Should I include the CV of the experts writing the recommendation letters.
I do have some of the CV's but I am worried, they compare their CVs to mine, specially that I have CVs of directors and retired chiefs with hundreds of publications and patents.
Please suggest

If your package goes to NSC you will be in trouble. Best is to include first few pages from CV if they are too long. Also in cover letter try not to emphasise their accomplishments but yours.This should help.

hope others may give some input too.


Should I include the CV of the experts writing the recommendation letters.
I do have some of the CV's but I am worried, they compare their CVs to mine, specially that I have CVs of directors and retired chiefs with hundreds of publications and patents.
Please suggest
I was hoping some of the self filler's expert in this forum to give me their opinion concerning the CV of the writer of the recommendation letter.
I am submitting a NIW application to TSC. Almost done.
Need advise on that
My letters were all from top people in my field from the US end Europe (mix of academic and industrial researchers). Most CVs were thicker than mine, but I have my own 50ish papers or so, so I don't think they will hold against me that others have more publications than me. You have to be at the top of your field and of national importance for NIW. You don't have to be the best. Also, all my letters were addressed "Dear Immigration Officer" (the lawyer wanted it that way). Your milage may vary. Good luck.
I was hoping some of the self filler's expert in this forum to give me their opinion concerning the CV of the writer of the recommendation letter.
I am submitting a NIW application to TSC. Almost done.
Need advise on that

I included all the CVs in the petitions. But I cut short the CV's. If somebody had 115 publications. I include from 101 to 115 and no them same way. In end included a note if you need full list contact. the CV should not overshadow your CV but it should show that they are well qualified to write a leeter for you.
Some of my friends who applied NIW did not submit CVs of their referees but of course the referees had their background mentioned in the reference letter. I have seen one of them, which said the referees having more than 150 publications, etc, etc, But it did not seem to matter.

I am going to be filing EB1-OR petition soon; the attorney has said 'referees' background and/or CV; so I am not really going to push for CV unless someone here in the forum says without CV, the petition can be denied/rejected/RFEd.
I have one letter who specifically mentioned "I have included my curriculum vita to substantiate my qualifications to provide an expert opinion on Dr. XXX"
So, I am including his and a couple more. I guess it is ok to include the CV of some of them and not all..... am I right
Thanks to all you recommendations and suggestions