Whoever says August will be done anytime sooner, let's talk!!!!


Registered Users (C)
It is either people on this portal/rupnet who don't update after getting approved or INS VSC, really suck.

Some people are being overly optimistic on this forum in thinking that Aug'01 cases will be done in 1-2 weeks. I see nothing but trickle of approvals on these two forums. only 35% cases approved so far. I don't think majority Aug'01 will be completed before end of Aug'02. It might drag into Sept as well.

Guys, please blame it on my morning coffee or whatever, but somehow I can't help thinking along any other way today.

My apologies, if I hurt anybody's feelings.

On an average 4-5 cases are being approved daily there are over 200 August cases ( as on Rupnet) waiting for approval. At this pace it will take 40 working days i.e. 2 months to approve August cases. Gosh!!
I have always been telling not to be over optimistic. Going by the current pace and time took for July cases, August will take until end of September. There could be some September approvals in September...but that will be like few August guys approved in May/June.
Sept would start next week

As per Rupnet is concerned, It is 40% got either approved or got RFE. Also, around 20% people don't update the tracker. So, around 60% got approval. Looks like, when they approve over 60% cases, they assign next month cases.

It all depend on the officer speed to approve the cases. If some officers are not approving the cases becuase of vacation or something else, cases would stay on their desks for ever. The officers who have completed their share of August cases, would pickup Sept. cases.

This is just my guess anyway.
Only 200 cases in Aug! - May be much more. I think, from states like NJ itself there may be good number of cases. When I was doing I-485 , everytime when I visited Doctors office or labs office for vaccinations there used to be a small crowd ( 5 -10 guys) people like me were there and the office appeared to be crowded with I 485 applicants.

If u look at title of the thread, completing Aug'01 approval is the case here and not starting next month's.

VSC acting on its own whims can start any further months (sept/Oct) at their convenience without completing previous months, but that only stretches people's sufferings. It only gives brownie points to VSC's PR folks to show to the world that they are working fast (reality being it's a half cooked dish).

Whether 20% or more people don't update is pure guess and that's why it sucks a lot.
Approved RFE's are included in the approved list and that's why, I said 35%. It shouldn't be 40%.

People should be courteous with their updated info. At least that could be a way of thanking this forum.
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its the latter dma_va, i think VSC sucks

VSC sucks big time. My colleague here, whose RD = 31st July 2001 was approved on 2nd April 2002. He was approved 4 months ago.
Many ppl with RD later than me have received their approvals.
And, my RD = Aug 15, 2001 and I am still waiting. Why can't VSC process cases in the order it was received, its beyond me.
And their answers like "all cases are different" etc etc is all BS. I am a consultant at WorldCom and don't know how long I will be here.
RD= 08/15/2001
ND= 10/11/2001
FP= 04/06/2001
India/ EB3/ Virginia
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will take 2 months

Even the lawyers and IIOs are saying Aug will take 2 months, July took 3.5, hope we're all wrong.
It is right! July 3.5, August 2 months!!

July already took 3.5 months. Some of them are still hanging!!
August is about 2/3 July load, it will take 2 months.

For "old" poeple like me in this board, we know that July is heavy because EB3 suddenly became CURRENT on July 2001 so that EB-3 cases accumulated over years rushed in overnight.

August is heavy becasue I140 frozen between 9/2000 - 6/2001. A lot of these victims rushed into August slot. However, I am one of this victims also. But I should have filled my I1485 one day earlier so that I can be in August pile.

Anyway, life is just so unpredictable. Some poeple who just play and have fun have much better lives than those who carefully plan their lives and work hard. On the other hand, we are not the most misrable group in the US. hahahha...

Say NO to all unhappiness as long as we can make a living!!!
Say SHIT to gc.

hanging there.

This info is just to have an idea for people here, that how many days Aug cases may take.Collected only VSC data from various sites(rupnet, nairobi,immitracker etc..) of Aug 01 RD as I am also one of the Aug filer.

Total cases : 458 till today posted in those sites.
Cases approved : 143 by 30th July02 of Aug 01RD
Hence remaining Aug 01 cases: 458-143 = 315

Some of you are posting that July cases started from 3 months back, but they are just into the swing by that time. Actually speaking they started from Jan 01 with a little number of approvals in single number for the first two months ie. Jan and Feb. Similarly August cases also started from march with a single number approvals in March and April and then went on to double figures(into 20s) in the follwing months and then to triple figure. But Aug is in full swing in this month. With one more approval posting in any of those sites, this July month will reach 100 approvals of Aug RD.

This month JulyRD approvals are only 25 depending on the psotings in those sites.Next month we may see single approval postings for JulyRD. Since March, July approvals are in this way:

March : 75
May 02:148
Jun 02 : 92
July02 : 25
Aug 02: May be a single number <10 or around 15

So one expect August 01 and Sep01 to be this way:

Expected Aug 01 RD approvals in Aug 02 : Around 130 | Sep (<9)
Expected Aug 01 RD approvals in Sep 02 : Around 90 | Sep (20)
Expected Aug 01 RD approvals in Oct 02 : Around 50 | Sep (80)
Expected Aug 01 RD approvals in Nov 02 : Around 30 | Sep (40)
Expected Aug 01 RD approvals in Dec 02 : remaining cases
(Sep may become single or 20s)

This doesn't mean that September or October approvals may not start in Aug. But one may expect around 5 approval postings

Expecting the September filers to be around 200, I made a guess and have given the expected approval figures in brackets above.

The way I observed the approvals of previous month Rds, they are like an arch(Slowly increasing the number of approvals every month and then go to peak and slowly come down by every month). Similarly I guess October filers may have a good time in November. I am talking about the peak time for them.

If approvals increase every month when compared to the above figures, then everyone will be happy. I hope for the same. Good luck to everyone.

Please don't expect those figures to be exact. But for Aug I have the list of the total given number.
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ND and RD confusion

We've all heard of some IIOs confusing between RD and ND. The same could be said of the officers who sort the cases chronologically. If you've noticed the recent July approvals, most of them have NDs in August or later. They may have been filed erroneously along with August cases even though they were received in July. The same could be said of August cases as well. Although IIOs say they are processing cases only till August 15th, we have direct evidence that this is not true as we have seen approvals of cases with RDs much later than August 15th; albeit in the month of August only. And, if you look at the NDs of the August cases, they range from early September (or, in a few cases, August itself) to early/mid November. It wouldn't be entirely inaccrurate to assume that some of those cases with NDs in Sept/Oct/Nov may have been classified Sept/Oct/Nov cases. Thus, we may continue to see August cases for the next several months. Similarly, some Sept cases will run into October, November and December months...and so on.
that is one good explanation.

WheresMahGreen, that is one good explanation. I think WheresMahGreen has solved the mystery of RD and ND. That exactly explains whats happening.


I wish my file is not stacked up into sept cases.
Thats sad

Its just like saying that some cases will take longer to approve, not because there are problems in the cases but because there is a problem with some IIOs: they are incompetents, not even knowing the difference between RD and ND.

And I know now why the government wants to overhaul, if not abolish INS.

Don't be Sad...Be Happy!

Fortunately, we all should be happy because why????
Because INS is hiring 10,000 employees by end september 2002.
Check out www.ins.gov "INS Now Seeks to Hire 10,000 New Employees by End of This Fiscal Year"
That means they will have more staff to process our applications.
so don't be sad...be glad...:D :D Ooops..this is not a commercial.

September having started doesn't imply August is done (as is the title of this thread).

Be logical please!!!!
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Mine is August 1st case.. and waiting for approval..

RD - Aug 1st
ND - Sep 24th
FP - March 29th.