Who signs form XXII? This is a requirement for OCI CGI-NY now.


Registered Users (C)
For Form XXII

"Signature and designation of the officer authorized under rule 38 of the citizenship Rules, 2009, before whom the registration, declaration or oath of allegiance is made or taken."

I was sworn in on April first. Where do I find the judge/ USCIS rep that was present there that day? And even if I somehow find them why would they sign? What is everybody doing for this?

#2 , I, the undersigned, hereby state that I am an Indian citizen otherwise than by naturalization that I am householder, and that I am not the solicitor or agent of …………………………………… I vouch for the correctness of the statements made by ………………………………………… in his application for …………………………………

Who exactly needs to sign here?

Please post what you guys are doing or what the CGI-NY is saying about this.
Exactly LOL. But how am I supposed to fill it?

Fill out items 1 thru 6 on page 1 and items 1 thru 8 under "Particulars". Then take it to a notary and sign at the end of item 6. Notary will sign and stamp the "Made and subscribed.." part.
Ignore remaining parts.
My guess is that the last part with the "I, the undersigned, hereby state that.." crap will be signed by the consulate official.
Fill out items 1 thru 6 on page 1 and items 1 thru 8 under "Particulars". Then take it to a notary and sign at the end of item 6. Notary will sign and stamp the "Made and subscribed.." part.
Ignore remaining parts.
My guess is that the last part with the "I, the undersigned, hereby state that.." crap will be signed by the consulate official.

You can check rule 38 mentioned on Form XXII in this document: http://www.mha.nic.in/pdfs/Citi_Rule-2009.pdf

For # 1 on XXII - rule 38 says a) a judge of an Indian court or b) a Consul (like CGI-NY) can sign
For # 2 on XXII - to me this looks more like a witness (may be a friend or a parent)

But the important thing is, can we substitute a Notary for #1 on XXII, instead of going to NY and standing in the line at CGI?

If anyone gets a clarification from CGI-NY, please update us

CGI-NY clarified today that Surrender Certificate is required for all OCI applicants, including those whose application is in the process.

We just need clarification on two signatures, then we are all set to pay $175 to get "Cancelled" stamp on our Indian passports :)
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Timing question.

Does the surrender certificate need to be obtained before we send out the US passports for OCI stamps or the form XXII and the $175.00 fee can be sent along with it and they send us both the certificate and OCI stamped US passport back together?
Here is the email I got from the consulate.

Dear Applicant,
Please refer to your application(s) for the OCI status which has been received in the Consulate recently.

As you are aware, Consulate General of India, New York, receives a very large number of applications for OCI status. In order to deal with the heavy rush of applications in the past few months, we had constituted a task force and put in extra efforts to clear the applications. In fact, all OCI applications, which were received in the Consulate till April 30, 2010 and found to be complete have been processed.

Meanwhile, the Consulate has received instructions from the Government of India that applicants for all services, including OCI/PIO applications (including those whose applications are under process or whose OCI documents have not yet been delivered) are required to submit a Surrender Certificate for cancellation of the Indian passport and renunciation of the Indian citizenship. Details are posted on our website: www.indiacgny.org. Kindly note that submission of Surrender Certificate is a mandatory requirement and neither the OCI/PIO applications can be processed nor OCI documents can be issued without the aforementioned certificate. This is not applicable to the foreign-born children who never held Indian passports. However, their parents held the Indian citizenship in the past and they are advised to obtain the Surrender Certificate for future reference.

Kindly furnish the Surrender Certificate urgently so that further action on your OCI application/OCI documents can be taken by the Consulate.

We regret the inconvenience caused.

Assuring you of our best considerations.

With regards,

(Parmod Bajaj)
Consulate General of India, New York
So this email says, the borderline is April 30th for NY district applicants. I will wait for the information for my application, sent my OCI docs to DC with the "Surrender Certificate" and original indian passport on April 26, received by the embassy on 27th ...
It is good to wait, but don't be hopeful. The email is not as straightforward, and if they can find a way to make you pay - they will.
Clue #1 - "Found to be complete"
Clue #2 - "Meanwhile, we received instructions ..... nor OCI documents can be issued" ... this is saying that if you did not get stamped, sorry, bad luck!!
As far as signing the form is concerned. If the claim is that you are a indian citizen until they accept the surrender certificate and you pay the fee. You should be able to sign it yourself. If they claim otherwise that you are not an indian citizen by getting a foriegn passport, it makes the surrender certificate moot. they can't have it both ways.

This is whole thing is a complete mess.
So this email says, the borderline is April 30th for NY district applicants. I will wait for the information for my application, sent my OCI docs to DC with the "Surrender Certificate" and original indian passport on April 26, received by the embassy on 27th ...

Sam ,
Did you fill the FORM XXII to get the surrender certificate ..If so who signed the forms ..Did you get it signed by the Counsulate General of India for the first part & who signed the second part ? Any indian citizen would do ?
I got my Indian passport cancelled (there is a stamp), along with the OCI certificate and OCI visa on US passport on May 5th 2010. Do I still need to send the form and ALSO pay the $175 fees?
shahul, I sent my documents on April 26th, so you know that all this BS was only in their mind at the time not on the website :) so I filled in the original .pdf form to renounce the citizenship...
Please check the NY consulate site. They have updated the instruction and the form for getting the surrender certificate. It is little clearer now. Particularly the form and who to sign etc.