Who needs to file Form AR-11 for address change


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I moved to my current address over two and half yrs ago. Since then I have had my H1B transferred and filed my I-485, all at my current address.
Do I still need to file form AR-11 for address change. Though my lawyer say I should, I was unsure what impact this may have on my pending I-485 application. Any views from experts or other folks who may have heard from their attorneys.

As per the new law, you need to inform the INS on address change within 10 days of moving to the new location. In your case, you have been at this location for over 2 years and have correspondence with the INS proving the current address. You need not inform them anything. If you change your address in future, you must inform them regarding the new address using form AR-11. This must be done until you are a citizen of this country or leave it for good. I checked with our attorneys on this and they said nothing needs to be done. I believe them as they do everything by the book. However, if your attorney is asking you to do it, go ahead. If there is no real change, I wouldn't think this would delay your process.
Thanks v_a_rao. I think might as well go ahead and file it, since my lawyer advises it that way.
similar situation

I moved several times in the past. But not after I applied I-485. Additionally I dont want to send a change of address if it can create additional problems like loacl INS office transfer becos I have filed my case in VSC(employer in PA) though I live now in California.

wondering what to do..........