Who Must Comply to file AR11 changing of address.


Registered Users (C)
Who Must Comply?
All aliens in the United States who are required to be registered under the law (INA § 262 and 261) must keep the USCIS informed of their changes of address. The only aliens exempt from this requirement are diplomats (visa status A), official government representatives to an international organization (visa status G), and certain nonimmigrants who do not possess a visa and who are in the U.S. for fewer than 30 days (INA § 263).

All who got green card approved must to file AR11 or what's the meaning of

""""""who are required to be registered under the law (INA 262 and 261)"""""""""

any idea is appreciated.

But what's meaning of this sentense

All aliens in the United States who are required to be registered under the law (INA § 262 and 261) must keep the USCIS informed of their changes of address.

what is this INA 262 and 261
any idea???
Please read the sec 261 and 262....

Sec. 261. [8 U.S.C. 1301] No visa shall be issued to any alien seeking to enter the United States until such alien has been registered in accordance with section 221(b).
Sec. 262. [8 U.S.C. 1302]
(a) It shall be the duty of every alien now or hereafter in the United States, who (1) is fourteen years of age or older, (2) has not been registered and fingerprinted under section 221(b) of this Act or section 30 or 31 of the Alien Registration Act, 1940, and (3) remains in the United States for thirty days or longer, to apply for registration and to be fingerprinted before the expiration of such thirty days.

(b) It shall be the duty of every parent or legal guardian of any alien now or hereafter in the United States, who (1) is less than fourteen years of age, (2) has not been registered under section 221(b) of this Act or section 30 or 31 of the Alien Registration Act, 1940, and (3) remains in the United States for thirty days or longer, to apply for the registration of such alien before the expiration of such thirty days. Whenever any alien attains his fourteenth birthday in the United States he shall, within thirty days thereafter, apply in person for registration and to be fingerprinted.
(c) The Attorney General may, in his discretion and on the basis of reciprocity pursuant to such regulations as he may prescribe, waive the requirement of fingerprinting specified in subsections (a) and (b) in the case of any nonimmigrant.

[B]No where it is realted to Permanent residents....[/B]

Any ideas are appreciated...

It should be more clear to the readers.

Permanent Residents are still A L I E N S!

You don't think they are already US citizens, do you?

GC holder needs to report address change

FYI,I have asked the very question to my lawyer and confirmed that GC holder still need to report address change.