who is there with no LUD from 03/15

Count me for my EB-2 case. Just came to know NC cleared for it but still peding for EB-1A. Dont know why they get 2 NC for same person. See my sigs
Count me in. I still see the devil dates 03/27/2007 and not changing at all...
Also stuck in NC hell.:mad:
contacted senator

2 weeks back, I Faxed all the infoe to the senator, and they re not even telling me that they receieved it. The local cngress man office, they asked me to com in and sign a paper. so i will be going there in another 2 hours
I had no LUDS to since March 27 after the transfer.

I-485 RD: Aug 2005
VSC to TSC: March 2007
FP2: May 2007

Pending ::(
Another one...

No LUDs after Transfer.

EB3 India PD 10/02/2002
485 Filed 08/2004, Xfer 03/07/2007, LUD 03/15/2007
(both self and spouse)
FP2 05/2007
According to Infopass and TSC IO:
FP and NC clear
Not assigned to Officer
No visa available.
my LUD was way back in oct 06, and my wife's sometime middle of 05. so you guys dont even come close to me in that matter :). I called TSC couple of days back lady over there said everything is in place and just sitting there to assigned to an officer. If it doesn't get picked by tomorrow, she said I have wait till oct.

I got a call from congressman's office for a request I put up in June or so, he said that TSC says my case is under pending review and we should wait till 120 days before we can contact them back.

I dont know where this all would take me but wait is all I can do now.:mad:
what to believe

I am not sure ...about this assigned to officer, last 3 weeks, I hearing that my case was assigned to an officer. As you mentioned probably we are all going to get approved on the last day of this month..... hope :)

By septembet 1st, i am going not going to hope for this GC untill October, as earlier somebody was mentioning, that because of PD unavailable ( as per Sept Bullettin) we have to wait untill October.

What you think of our cases , which has no LUD and assigned to officer, if the PD change in October, assuming the PD change back AUG 2002 as per murthy.com

Your thoughts

It is really taking my hours nowadays.......:(
Anything happening?

I wanted to revive this old thread and see if anyone else had any movement in their cases, what with the recent activity.

I wonder what the common theme in our non-active cases are? - it maybe something out of our control like all our cases are with an officer who decided to take the summer off!

But I am thinking - the only thing thats "wrong" with my case is that our doctor skipped the skin test and just did an X-ray. Otherwise, I think my case is pretty straight-forward.

Anyone else want to jump in?

Hi DesiG,

I remember you. We had the Infopass in Boston around the same time. The other thing we have in common is that I too did not have any LUDs after 3/15.

Have you been calling TSC or taken another Infopass. My feeling is that you'll get approved soon. If you haven't sent in the DHS Form 7001, you might wanna try that. Also, ask your attorney to call for you.

Good luck!
Hi MA_Labor,

I remember that too! - thanks for the re-assuring words.

There have been very few approvals (I think 3 - you, yellowrocks and someone else) noted here that had approvals without any other LUDs... its very frustrating in that we don't even know if our cases are even in their rader screen. The standard "all clear, no officer, no visa" answer from IOs does not help!

I haven't gone the Ombudsman route yet, but thanks for mentioning it - I guess that is the next step for me!

Thanks, dg

PS - A few days ago, a black cat actually strolled by right in front of my car. I remembered your case, and of course good ol' superstition kicked in. Unfortunately though, that day in fact turned out to be pretty horrible for me! :) Needless to say, no GC either!
Me tooo...

I had no LUDs since 3/15/07 until I gave FP3 in Aug 24th (Code 3), for which I had 2 luds and stopped after that. So I-485 related activity on my case stopped happening on 03/15/07. I had FP2 in Aug 1st (Code 1) but I didn't see any LUDS after that though.

All my prev calls to TSC fetched the only answer 'No Visa, Not Assigned to Officer' which seems to be correct in my case. I am not even a bit hopeful of seeing an approval, but it breaks my heart to see later PDs getting approved for no apparent reason.
I am planning to take MA_labor's advise. I already faxed a mail to our congressman, and called my lawyer...he told me to come on next Tue for an appointment, meantime the lawyers office told me , they will call the USCIS. I am afraid, we are going to miss the bus.....

My case for the last 2 months...

NC cleared
FP is confirmed,
assigned to an officer....then.......?
No LUD after 03/15 ...this makes me crack...because whomever got GC lately had all updates recently....I am not sure why in our cases.

PD May 2003 ( as KV2002 mentioned... it make be less hppfull when later PD , RD's getting approved)

These type of situation makes us what we can control and what not....that is one reason I believe people believe in almighty....the last hope in our struggle on anything. It takes a lots of toll on my job latley...that makes be sad
I am planning to take MA_labor's advise. I already faxed a mail to our congressman, and called my lawyer...he told me to come on next Tue for an appointment, meantime the lawyers office told me , they will call the USCIS. I am afraid, we are going to miss the bus.....

During my many conversations with TSC IOs, I was repeatedly told, "Sir, you will have to ask your Attorney to call on your behalf"

And sure enough, I got approved the same day my attorney called. Could be just a coincidence but who knows. Also, the law firm representing me is one of largest law firms in the country. Not sure if that makes any difference.

Usually, I wouldn't say this because it doesn't sound very optimistic. But I would suggest doing whatever it takes to get your case through this month. Who know how they will decide to utilize visa numbers in October.
Don't know if 2nd FP really means anything.
My 2nd FP was done in May (see signature below)), but last month the info-pass office told that my NC is still pending.
And somehow I could never reach TSC using POJ, always was connected to the national center. They opened a service request for me last month. So far, haven't heard anything back. :((

You got 2nd FP so you will get approved soon.