Who is the oldest ?


Registered Users (C)
I guess if there is somebody waiting since 2001 ?
How many from 2002 ?
Who is oldest ?
Help ur self to Find or let 'Find' to find for u :D :D

Anyone not included? enroll it plz :D

                          G.C APPLICANTS

                                  /\_/\   gsala
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You forgot yourself , Prince !
:D :D :D
Anyway .... If an animal disappears from the square once approved, I want you to to repeat the great masterpiece of Kasimir Malevich: A black square :D :D
gsala said:
You forgot yourself , Prince !
:D :D :D
Anyway .... If an animal disappears from the square once approved, I want you to to repeat the great masterpiece of Kasimir Malevich: A black square :D :D

Let me test your the taste of art.

In Following you would see in a painting 'A field, A Cow and Green Grass'
tell me about it plz

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  | .'-----------------------------------`. |

Good Luck
So, as by now

1. too_long 8/2001
2. fcapristan May 17, 2002
3. WaitWithHope Oct 23, 2002

Anybody else disputing first 3 places ?
gsala said:
So, as by now

1. too_long 8/2001
2. fcapristan May 17, 2002
3. WaitWithHope Oct 23, 2002

Anybody else disputing first 3 places ?

Need Cup? :D
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                 / ________________________ \
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                | |    Senior Citizen      | |  
                | |                        | |
               .: |o______________________o| ;
I am on the tail end of 2002 filers, but feel I deserve at least a small bronze medal!

Seriously, any 2002 filer out there who's just got an approval? Every piece of news about 2002 filers' approvals lifts my spirit..
Me in the tail end too.

RD- Dec. 5th 2002.

FP- Dec. 23rd 2004.

Another victim here in the list... :confused: :confused:

Hope God will hear our prayers.

485 RD/ND : Aug 2002, 3 EAD's, 3 AP's
I-140 APPR June 02
FP : 02/18/05
RFE Issued 03/29/05:
RFE Replied: April 7, 05
RFE Ack: April 13, 05

Approval Date : ???
My Wife's Case

I am approved last july but my wife's is still pending. So I guess she would qualify to be somewhere lost amobg other

Her Details

PD/ND = Oct 13, 2002
FP1= Nov 2002
FP2 = Feb 2005
AD= Coming soon (Atleast thats what I tell her so she doesnt feel :mad: or :confused: or :( )