who EAC is 01-250-50517???? Good News is This case has been approved !!!

Sher, You are wrong...

8/20 was Sunday in Year 2000. 8/20/01 was Monday. Even my RN is EAC-01-250-xxxxx.
law2001 , can you post your EAC# and SSN please ...

you know that we will not get any info by giving these info right ?
I think EAC number does not matter at this stage ........

What I read here on this message board, EAC number, RD, ND DOES NOT matter at this stage. All we know is, July 01 cases are being processed currently (in addtion to the past months).

You will receive an approval only if you are that "Lucky One" and your file is picked up by the IIO for processing.

so, no point in asking others, who have the same EAC 3 digits as you.

Just hang on, watch and wait. We all have waited for so long, might as well wait for few more weeks, months, ...... or may be days, or may be hours.......