Who does Background check for I-485 processing


Registered Users (C)
Anyone have any idea as to who does the background checks for I-485 processing?

I just want to get an ideas as to how the process works if anyone knows

is this done by ins or is it contracted out?

Thanks in advance

Several theories float (ex: these checks are valid for only 30 days, after which it has to be redone again) but I have not seen a concrete answer posted on this forum regarding this.

Background checks include checking name and other profile information with a few databases (god knows how many). What ever the case it is one hell of an excuse that the CIS is successfully using to increase the backlogs.

Background checks are performed by a variety of agencies' databases. A national background check will be made by the FBI, which you yourself can make by calling their office in Fredericksburg, VA (or is it Harrisburg, PA? my sick mind forgot..). FBI's information will also encompass any information in the NCIC (National Crime Information Center).

Background checks will also be made on the local state Bureau of Investigation's databases. This, say, if you are in Georgia, will be Georgia Bureau of Investigation's (GBI) databases. This will include the state CIC's databases as well (for ex: Georgia Crime Information Center).

For all these background checks a NO RECORD FOUND result is desired. If a RECORD FOUND is obtained, that is undesirable and under most circumstances will warrant a transfer to local district office for interview/processing.