Which picture is used on the green card


Registered Users (C)
When USCIS prints the green card do they used the passport picture submitted with the I-485 or the picture taken at ASC when the fingerprints are taken?
Oh that's good to know! My biometrics pic wasn't great, but in the pics I submitted with the I-485 I had one eye closed and looked disabled (got them done at Walmart - didn't look at them when I picked them up until I was putting them in the application packet - they really shouldn't have been allowed to get away with those pics).
Thanks for the quick replies. I was thinking it would be ASC since the picture more then likely was on a digital camera that was uploaded into the file. (I suspect because I wasn't there with my wife.) However, I am surprised if they are going to take their own picture that they still required us to submit pictures with our application.