Which of you folks can do this.


Regarding other approaches... any sort of publicity will be
taken as criticism of TSC's efforts, and the power play will
only increase... Lack of funds seems to be most important issue
as Ms. Murthy &Co. seem to indicate. It is obvious that
government is diverting the services fees to border control
activities and such.

Lack of funds is a perennial problem. If that was the only problem, how come VSC has added 100 new adjudicators, and adjudicators have been added to NSC and CSC but only TSC has that problem. In which case it seems as though BCIS higher ups are turning a blind eye on TSC.

If you extend what you have said on the next paragraph. “TSC is afraid of media”. IF the theory is that TSC is afraid of approving visas after the terrorist visa mishap. Then you can extend it and say if Media made a hype out how TSC is afraid of approving visas anymore then TSC would start processing again.

Regardless of these arguments media is also another vehicle to voice public opinion and we in this forum certainly feel that no one is hearing us or are paying attention to our requests/pleas. The media can definitely highlight that we are also working to create a trust to help out TSC, which I think will be even more effective rather than us calling up the TSC director and saying that hey here is some money for your group to start approving 485’s.

TSC does not take up the I485 cases, since it is certain that
it will commit a mistake and take a rap again...
Remember that many terrorists participating in the WTC
incidents were from TSC region, TSC took a rap for granting GC to
a 'terrorist' last year... Since then we have not heard much
from TSC.. However, a lot of money can sway the situation
in our favor..

As my support to this approach. I am going to mail the politicians and folks at BCIS (along with the list of 800 + signatures) asking them to help us out and that we are prepared to create this fund and collect money to donate to TSC for helping us process our applications faster. Of course I am ready to donate the money as well.
As long as we are discussing the different ideas, let me throw my 2 cents:

How about getting the help from the Indian Associations like North Texas Association or other groups?

Most of those guys went thru' the GC process and have settled well; They must be having more links than us (like getting a contact in media) and may also be able to lobby for us;

Since I-485 is not moving very well across all the centres, the push can be thru' many fronts?

Does anybody know anyone from the Indian Associations?

BTW, I think (tru's idea of) getting the attention from Media is a good idea;
Good idea

Good idea. I found this
Network of Indian Professionals (I am sure folks in here should have gone through atleast some of the problems we face)

Also why not contact TIE (the Indus Entreprenuers assoc.) they have chapters in many cities as well.

And of course folks from other countries should also join in by contacting some organization they know/member of .
Not biased against other approaches

Let us settle the differences here...
Other approaches are okay to pursue and should be pursued
if they would bear fruit. But TSC management may grudgingly
open the files sooner, but may not do so with a happy face.
That is what I tried to imply.

I am not sure how other centers can hire people and bear the
load, and not TSC.

Is TSC a step child? How do we identify this issue
and resolve it?
tru: that is a good link.

Now we need the following:

(1) People who are members of any of these groups (like NetIP for example) and also willing to take up this issue to their group and get any kind of outcome like a media contact/attention or anything...?

(2) One person to contact Murthy.com (or) Rajiv Khanna (Immigration.Com) to see if they can take the funding idea and talk to TSC through official means? I am ready to contribute money too, but I am not sure if TSC is going to say "Yes"?

People who are members/have contacts, please reply ASAP.

We need to talk to this organisation, they have done a lot for immigrants. Their network is called "Immigrants Support Network". The H1 extension rule beyond sixth year was in place because of them, if any of you remember or are members of this network. They can definitely throw some light on this issue.


Vvrajan Good questions.

I am not sure how other centers can hire people and bear the
load, and not TSC.

Is TSC a step child? How do we identify this issue
and resolve it?

Here is a previous post – referring to Ms. Murthy’s response from BCIS regarding delays and that Vermont is adding 100 new folks.

If I come across the posts where folks from NSC and even CSC have mentioned that they have added people I will post in here.

Is TSC a step child? How do we identify this issue and resolve it?

No ideas how to do that. Perhaps others can chime in.
Donation to Gov

I have a response from a famous immigration lawyer to
the question if the government ( in this case BCIS services div)
can accept donations... The answer is no... Can we still
go ahead and gather funds, and hope that BCIS can be made
to accept a one time donation to improve its services?