Does anybody know a reputable IT consulting firm that can sponsor H1B and pays well?
H harsh7824 New Member Jul 24, 2012 #1 Does anybody know a reputable IT consulting firm that can sponsor H1B and pays well?
A Aayitrun Registered Users (C) Jul 25, 2012 #2 harsh7824 said: Does anybody know a reputable IT consulting firm that can sponsor H1B and pays well? Click to expand... while you are at it ask for the method to turn lead into gold.
harsh7824 said: Does anybody know a reputable IT consulting firm that can sponsor H1B and pays well? Click to expand... while you are at it ask for the method to turn lead into gold.
H harsh7824 New Member Jul 30, 2012 #3 Heh, that's funny, but does any have experience with a firm they can recommend?
H harsh7824 New Member Aug 3, 2012 #4 No one? Just really need information on firms, or any pay numbers to help make some comparisons.