whether i qualify for EB1 or NIW


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i just finished MS in chemistry. This is my 2nd masters. During my first masters i worked on defluoridation of water and showed the necessity of appropriate diet to prevent the fluorosis. Later i worked in a medical school in cleveland on prevention of skin and prostate cancer using naturally occuring polyphenols. My second masters is on anticancer drug development. based on my research my advisor got two grants.
currently i am working in vermont in university on dechloridation of carbon tetrachloride a potent cancer causing agent.
I have 3 papers published and 2 more papers are in review. 3 of these are first author and are in very reputed journals. and i am sending one more paper in next month.

i don\'t whether i am eligible for NIW or EB1 . I will be very very happy if any of you can suggest a good attorney.

thank you very much
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Based on your very impressive qualifications, I believe you qualify for both. I strongly suggest you apply in both categories, in order to double the chances of approval. It would have helped for EB1 if you had a PhD, but I still think you should apply in that category (in addition to NIW).

Good Luck.
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Thank you very much for your reply. Regarding the lawyers, i am ready to pay any amount provided i get good lawyer. I appreciate if any of you kindly suggest me any lawyers name.

thank you very much
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In EB-1 and NIW application, almost all of the work pertaining to the preparation of the application package is done by the applicant himself/herself (I know, because I went thru a NIW myself). A good experienced lawyer, is however, important for two primary reasons - to provide the applicant with detailed guidelines on how to get about compiling the application package; to review and ensure that the documents produced by the applicant are relevant, i.e., they address certain specific issues that the INS reviewers look for. In short, almost all of what your lawyer will be doing for you can be done through phone, fax, mail and email.

You need to do your own research regarding which lawyer will be right for you. I could give you a suggestion or two if you were in the Los Anegeles area. You may consider using Mr. Rajiv Khanna, the host of this portal. He appears to have enough knowledge and experience to provide you with the appropriate guidance. In addition, his rates appear to be fairly reasonable. I did not use him in my application because I was wary of employing a lawyer that was beyond an hour\'s drive from me, so I used a local lawyer (who also turned out to be very good). However, through the course of my application, almost all
exchanges I had with my lawyer were through the phone or the fax machine!

Good Luck.
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Could somebody tell me how to poster a new poster (not reply to other people\'s question) because I \'d like to raise my question? Thanks. Loser
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How do you handle recommendation letters when you apply it without attorney? Do you open the envelop and cited the content from the letter to your cover letter? Thanks. Loser.
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I dont know about your qn. on how to handle the reco. letters.
Abuot posting a brand new new question: look for the button
ADD DISCUSSION and use that.
(About your question, I have to believe that you need to actually
open your reco. letters. If you want to mark them, I\'d suggest
making copies)
No Title

As one who applied and was approved for OR & NIW, I\'d
like to caution you that it can get really dicey with this type
of 140. When you look for a \'good\' lawyer, my suggestion is
to get a lawyer who has recently handled or is currently handling
 several cases of NIW and OR. This is because the INS seems to
be continually increasing/changing the standards...and the only
way to keep an accurate track of that is to see what applications
are being approved these days, and which ones are being RFE\'ed
and why.

Also, I have seen many cases which were far weaker than
mine get approved without an RFE (I got one RFE for my OR)
and I have seen cases stronger than mine who are still struggling.
(mine is a Ph.D in Engg., 5 (international) journal papers, 10 conf.
papers, about 14 reco. letters (NASA, govt. labs, other univs. etc.))
Hi, I'm new in this forum. I am planning to apply for the green card. However, I do not know for sure
which category would be better in my case. I would be greatly appriciate
if you would help me to decide.
Briefly, I am working at Washington Univerisity in St.Louis, Medical
School, Ph.D. in Biology, Physioly. Having 10 papers (peer-reviewed), two in preparation,
70 citation, media about my work, 18 abstract, 2 oral presentation,
recommendation letter (6-8), teaching assistant experience in Russian
University including supervision of students diploma, reviewer in Journal
of Neurophysiology, have awards and fellowships from Russia, one was
international (George Soros Foundation Award for Post-Graduate Student).
My major question, am I qualify for EB1 (A or B) or NIW? And also which one is
better? My position now is staff scientist, and I know that petition needs
to be submitted by the University in case with EB1b, do they have to say that my position is
permanent or it would be enough to say that I have position which is
willing to continue? I know that my Department will not sign that this is
permanent job. And in this case is it possible that my supervisor will
sign petition (she is willing to support) or it is important to get
signiture from Department?

Thanks a lot