where to go? please help


Registered Users (C)
I was in NJ, worked for a NJ employer
and filed 485 at VSC.
I have quit the company after six months
but didn\'t notify INS about change of
I am in Detroit ( NSC area) and the 485 is
approved without any RFE.
Where should I go for stamping? Do I have a
choice of going to local INS office?

One more thing : How do I fix an apppointment
with INS office ?

Gurus please suggest
No Title

ok !
RD 01/02/00
ND 01/09/00
AVM says approved on 10/10
I am not in immitracker yet; I apologies
is it 00 or 01?

I think your approval notice will tell you where tyo go and stamp .