Where to file 1447b in Minneapolis?


Registered Users (C)
Fellow MNer: Can you give me some hint on which court to file 1447b in Minneapolis? Does it matter which county you lived in Minneapolis?

Any word of caution from people already filed in this area? I am in the planning stage and hope to be ready in 2 weeks. My 120 days is up next week.


Hey guys, I'm also in Minneapolis and just crossed the 120 day line :)

Perhaps we could pool resources... what do you think? Are you guys filing pro se?
pg8104 said:
Hey guys, I'm also in Minneapolis and just crossed the 120 day line :)

Perhaps we could pool resources... what do you think? Are you guys filing pro se?

We definitely should (pool). Yes I am Pro Se. The trouble with the Lawsuit thread is that it is so difficult to navigate now with the number of messages in there. I cannot even find basic information such as court information.

What do you guys think? There got to be someone who has done this in MN already. We should keep this thread live.
NameCheck_MN said:
Go to this site to check the filing of 1447 b in MN

i am also planning to file let me know how it goes for you.


Hmm, I couldn't find any info on the site for filing a 1447b. Anyone else? Anyone know how much it costs to file?

How about timeline? I had my interview on 7/11/06...
pg8104 said:
Hmm, I couldn't find any info on the site for filing a 1447b. Anyone else? Anyone know how much it costs to file?

How about timeline? I had my interview on 7/11/06...

What do you mean timeline? It is 120 days after interview so yours is already up 3 days ago.

I am not quite sure about the fee either, but from what I heard from other court it is roughly $350. But still, someone says it belongs to small claim so it is only $30.

That is why we really need to have someone done that in MN on this board. But so far none has responded to our request.
I feel kinda bad because this thread is pretty much a dupe of Publicus' one that's a sticky. But, it's nicer that this one is keyed towards the Twin Cities area.

At any rate, I called the St. Paul Distric Court House (651-848-1100) just now and they are sending me a packet to file a civil case pro se. She said that it will cost $350 to file. I'm hoping this is all that it will cost, because I don't have that much money :)

Anyone know the name of the current St. Paul district director for CIS???
I am about to complete my 120 days so any information we can share together would be great. I contacted the local senators office and got the response from FBI that the name check is pending. I think only way to got is file a pro se.

my email id is rajkap1968 .... send me your email and we can then talk and see if it works out.. we all are in the same boat.
I am about to complete my 120 days so any information we can share together would be great. I contacted the local senators office and got the response from FBI that the name check is pending. I think only way to got is file a pro se.

my email id is rajkap1968@yahoo.com .... send me your email and we can then talk and see if it works out.. we all are in the same boat.