Where is the flood of approvals...

show me the money


I don't see what the problem is here. I'm just pointing out that you're spinning old information to whine once more about the CSC. If you can provide some evidence that the audit has started I'll accept that. But in the meantime please don't post about your personal opinion of what's happening at CSC without any FACTS. This is just idle gossip and helps no one. As we all know, past events are no indication of future directions esp at the CSC.

btw, we've both been members of this board since Aug 2002.

is there a way to find out when the audit started and when is it going to end? Or I guess like everything else at CSC, we can only wait to know that.

Yes we will only know when they tell us, but usually ( past 2 years) its been first week of October so I 140 is right in a way.. a calculated speculation.
Re: show me the money

Originally posted by peter23
I don't see what the problem is here. I'm just pointing out that you're spinning old information to whine once more about the CSC. If you can provide some evidence that the audit has started I'll accept that. But in the meantime please don't post about your personal opinion of what's happening at CSC without any FACTS. This is just idle gossip and helps no one. As we all know, past events are no indication of future directions esp at the CSC.

btw, we've both been members of this board since Aug 2002.

The problem here is that you are accusing me of spinning old information in order to WHINE! And my point is that I am NOT WHINING about anything! All I am doing is stating facts that there is an internal audit on! But I am taking exception to your interpretation of a totally harmless post about the Audit being on as SPIN and as a reason to WHINE! As Soumy stated, there is a freeze on Approvals, but yes the RFE's plus generation of RD/ND's will go on!

As far as being members since Aug 2002 is concerned, you are mistaken AGAIN! Around August 2002, Immigration Portal changed the version of the software for the forums. As a part of the upgrade process, they lost everyone's user id's and passwords. After which they asked people to re register, hence you will see not just me and you, but a whole lot of other people who registered in August 2002! So again, get your facts correct!

If you have been here since August 2002, you will remember the freeze in October for the audit. If you can't remember then look it up! End of thread on my account. Not going to come back to this.
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from the stack to a case officer


My lawyer called up and found out from duty officer that my case has gone from the 'stack in a big room' to a stack on a case offciers desk :). Just wondering if anyone has any stats on average adjudication times per case officer.

I dont think we would see really any movement until the next JIT report comes out... coz there were supposed to be processing cases only for 'religious workers' till sept 30th.

Lets hope things start moving now..
peter123, one thing you need to understand that all of us out here are only doing speculation. There is not HARD FACT available anywhere. Lawyers also speculate sometimes based on things that they have heard somewhere or some USCIS internal memos. If you do not like somebody's speculation, pl. don't read it and go to some other thread. Of course you can refute the idea presented by somebody, but that does not mean you have to accuse him/her of whining. It'll be better for all of us if we focus on the real problem and not fight between ourselves to prove whose point is the best.

hi guys
lets just stop this "he said and she said".
We are all here to help eachother and sailing in the same boat.
Everybody has opinions, lets be patient and work toward a common goal.
BTW, I've heard that before from the IIO's that the case had gone to adjudication officer's desk (from big stack to small stack). This seems to be the standard process. When my I-140 was pending I enquired and the duty officer told me the same thing but after that it took another 4 months before my approval came.
to gcworthy..

hi gcworthy,

i have no idea. It seems the lawyers have a separate number they can call... and my lawyers were not very forthcoming to give that number.

anyways.. if you go through a lawyer too i am sure they may have access to the same rolodex. :)

Re: to gcworthy..

Originally posted by suchiraj5
hi gcworthy,

i have no idea. It seems the lawyers have a separate number they can call... and my lawyers were not very forthcoming to give that number.

anyways.. if you go through a lawyer too i am sure they may have access to the same rolodex. :)


I don't think attorneys have separate number. Probably attorneys might be using AILA liaison.
AP approval

Just saw on the BCIS website that my AP has been approved.
I guess things are moving.
I wish you all luck.

RD: May 20th
RFE: Sept 25
RFE Rd: Oct 3
Approval: Oct 14