Where have the IGATErs gone?

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Give up? No way... Nothing motivates an IGTE employee more than progress on his/her GC.

The fact maybe that there is no news to report....atleast I don\'t have any to report this week. I am still waiting to "hear" about my receipt for the I-140 redo.

Good luck with your GC!!
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I agree. This is the only fight we IGATErs are likely to win eventually. So, how can we give up. I am just curious to know if those 8 approvals had any case WITHOUT RFE. I believe all these approvals had RFE in the recent past.
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I am still here. It seems that a couple of recent IGate approvals have suddenly calmed us all down. While I hope that all of us will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon, I can hardly understand the logic behind VSC taking such a long time to process these cases, even after receiving the amended I140s. Though couple of cases have been approvals, I would like to see more approvals before I start feeling comfortable that these cases are indeed being processed.

I request all of you guys to post your conversations with IIOs ( if you are lucky to get through to VSC ) and share with all of us who may not be able to get through.

It would also help if we can get postings on amended I140 approvals.
Thanks guys.

And here is the list :
Sting................. - RFE 11/00, I-140 Redo apprvd 01/01, AOS approved 4/3/01
Sanjay Dharmadhikari..
Shahenshah............ - No RFE, amended I140 (04/\'01),
Krishna Venkatarama...
bibin kumar...........
j123.................. - No RFE, amended I140 (04/13/01)
BJSR.................. - Approved 03/\'01
Jelly Bean............
sep08 / gcnohope...... - proact I140 ( 04/13/01 ), pro-I140 approved (05/15/01), I485 approved (05/15/01)
Eye Gate..............
intrepid.............. - No RFE, amended I140 (04/\'01)
tinkari tinkari....... -- Approved after 140 redo
AOS WAIT.............. - amended I140 (04/13/01)
vsc_on_hold........... - No RFE, amended I140 (04/13/01)
Phil Spears...........
x yz.................. - proact I140 (04/13/01), pro-I140 approved (04/24/01) ??(to confirm)
Gawar Anpadh.......... - RFE 11/\'00
abcisn................ - RFE 01/\'01, I-140 redo, Approved 03/\'01
marsam................ - RFE, I-140 redo 02/\'01, Approved 04/\'01
psram................. - RFE Dec\'00,
VSCRD1199............. - RFE 04/09/01 (Emp ltr), proact I140 ( 04/26/01 )
3yrsandWaiting........ - No RFE, amended I140 (04/\'01)
pddec96............... - RFE (Emp ltr) 02/\'01
deeejjjaaaa........... - No RFE, amended I140 (04/\'01)
TerryA................ - amended I140 04/23/01
ramamohan............. - No RFE
akashganaga........... - proact I140 ( 04/\'01 )
depressed............. - RFE ( emp. letter ), proact I140 (04/01)
harapata.............. - RFE ( emp. letter ), proact I140 (05/07), I485 approved (05/10/01)

Reported after final approval
Purna Rao............. - Amended I140 (~ 04/13/01), I485 approved 04/26/01
Rima Sharma........... - Approved 04/26/01
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Reply from INS HQ:

Existing INS guidelines require an amended I-140. Please clarify whether
is an amended I-140 naming you as beneficiary currently pending at the VSC.
alternative to filing an amended I-140 is to await the AC21 field guidance,
which will allow the Centers to consider these corporate restructuring cases
under the provision for a change of employer after the I-485 has been
180+ days.

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: AC21 & successor of interest.

Date: 5/16/2001 11:08 AM


I was told by VSC IIO that my I-485 application is still on hold due to
change of company pending INS HQ guidelines. It is unfair to me when they
are approving cases that were filed more than a year later.

Well the truth is I never changed company. My company went through the name
change process. If VSC doesnot have guidlines, Isn\'t it prudent to process
the case with existing guidelines??
They are not consistent with all name change cases. Folks from the same
company and exactly same case are getting approvals.

They used to approve these cases after asking for amended I-140. If they ask
for it we will comply with it. It doesnot seem professional to put
application on hold waiting for the regulation which doesnot look likely to
be released in near future.

Can something be done rather than waiting for ever on the guidelines to be

Thanks for your time
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Hi igate485waiter,
Can you please tell us the mode of this communication? Did you send an email or a letter via US Mail. If an email, please post the email address used.
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Thanks for posting the response from INS HQ. It is comforting to read that the amended I140s will help after all, rather than all of us having to wait till the AC21 regs. are out.
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I talked with IIO again...

1) they got my amended I-140 - but it was _NOT_ linked to I-485 case... may be because my case is with officer (is it physically there ??? on his desk ???) since May 2, 2001 (this date was quoted by 2 different IIOs last week and today)... IIO offered me to link it and send amended petition to this officer to attach it to I-485 case...

2) my friend with RFE issued in Jan\'2001 (and answered back then) - got the same results (we were talking with the same IIO)

if there will be any development - I will post results here... still I do not know whether I did proper decision to link the case or not... again MY CASE was not put on hold before - I did ask this question 8 times (all different IIOs)...
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I guess that\'s the way its SUPPOSED to work - file an amended I-140 and once its approved, your I-485 should be approved too. But if you notice, we haven\'t really soon too many I-485 approvals since the 3 or 4 we had about a week ago. The fact that VSC is taking time to even issue receipt notices leads me to believe that I-140 approvals are not going to get done in the 1 month timeframes we saw earlier. Also, many people on this forum have mentioned that even with an amended I-140, VSC IIO\'s claim that the case is still going to be on hold.

Hence, I believe that despite all this, unless we all pursue this aggresively, we maybe stuck without any real progress for quite sometime. We need VSC to come out with an interim solution till such time that the AC21 regulationscome out - some way whereby they can process these company name changes without putting a hold on them indefinitely! The mail from INS HQ talks about a process to be followed - but what can we do if VSC decides, in its infinite wisdom, to not follow this process and to put all company name change cases on hold?
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Hello everyone,
Its very difficult to keep one\'s spirits up during such trying times. I was feeling
very optimistic yesterday about the guidelines coming in 7 days but today I am
not feeling that optimistic. With INS one can never tell. I agree with Shahenshah
that we should still continously persist in our efforts to request INS to come out with
some guidelines soon (as in a 3, 4 days). To make matters worse the AVM message
is also not functioning properly (now its difficult to know case status without talking to IIO) All in all very depressing scenario. At least to comfort each other we should keep posting something (thoughts, view points observations) on the this board. I guess it was our bad luck that VSC put name change cases on hold instead of issuing 140 redo rfe\'s.