Where are the June/July approvals? folks when can we see end of the tunnel? Spoke with an IIO


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There is an RD 08/15 ND 10/xx case got RFE.
apapap "RFE RD 08/15/2001 ND 10/24/2001" 6/13/02 6:40pm
If the IIO\'s are saying they are working on Aug 1 ND cases, how come we see this. Don\'t get me wrong august friends, there is Nothing against you. I am freaked with the f******* logic of holding older cases and approving new cases. Why the hell do we have priority dates if they don\'t follow an order.

My stats Rd 07/09, ND 08/23, FP 12/18, ???

I spoke with an IIO yesterday and this is the second time. First I called on May 9th and was told that my case is assigned to an officer it would take 4 weeks. So I called again yesterday, it was a long conversation and the outcome is disapointing.
Here is the summary,
Your case is in the same stage (still with the officer). She said things have slowed down a lot due to new security checks (which we are aware of) and new policies (god knows what this is). There are tons of applications and all officers are overloaded (i don\'t understand how the number of approvals can be reduced if they are overloaded). I asked how long would it take to stream line and see approvals at normal pace? She said, " I can\'t even give an estimate, that\'s how slow things are moving. Call back after 4 weeks and don\'t be surprised if your case is still in the same stage." This was very comforting (kidding!!). I had asked about August cases, don\'t they go through the same line of checks and policies? how am i seeing newer cases approved? She goes, "you can\'t compare like that, some cases are straight forward and some are not." and added " it\'s very frustrating but you need to have patience, that\'s all I can tell you.".
I asked if she can has details about how close a case is for decision once with an officer, she said "IIO\'s don\'t have that kind of information, only major events like FP received or FP processed, yada yada yada are recorded and that\'s all we get to see. It depends on the adjudicating officer, if he needs more info an RFE is issued otherwise I don\'t know why the case is waiting."

Imagine after all this wait you get an RFE and loose another 2 months.

My understanding is most of the staff is busy with new 485 filings, issuing Receipts, EAD, AP scheduling FP. Now you get all these things in a month. It took us whole 3 months for EAD and AP and 6 months for FP. Some July end cases had to wait till Mar or Apr of this year.
The remaining staff is working on later months like Aug, Sept just to inflate the processing times.
I think, we July guys have an endless wait. We got screed at all stages including the I140.

I am really frustrated. I am planning to contact the local congress man and ask for their help. They have promptly followed up and replied in my friends case. There is nothing I could do, so Thought of venting the frustration doing this. I know lot of people had different opinions about this, It could only help, can\'t make it worse.

To top it all of, my job is little shaky. I hope you guys are in better position.

Good Luck and God bless all of us.
RFE and loose another 2 months....

this sounds too optimistic, some RFEs are already taking more than that ...
Its not just a hole... its a blackhole and few lucky souls escape it.

By seeing the fast approvals of EAD, AP etc. it does make sense that, apparently VSC has decided to focus maximum resources on these kind of things and that is affecting I485 decisions.

The few August, Sept. RDs may be for "window dressing" purposes to move the processing dates forward, so they dont look too bad. These are the "lucky" guys....

I am not sure how they differentiate a case ahead of time whether it is straigthforward or difficult without a Officer looking at it ? Who makes that judgement, and if an Officer makes that call while reviewing the case, why dont they issue RFE instead of just shelving it and keeping it in a limbo state ?

I think the July\'02 filers are the unlucky souls to get a "double whammy". Once at I140 stage due to the suspended processing and now due to this "shift in priorities" of the VSC center.

I hope this does not signify a new trend in INS processing. That is, delay issuing PERMANENT status (i.e. GC) to foreigners but at the same time, keep them in valid TEMPORARY status by issuing other temporary documents like EAD, AP etc at faster rate.
I agree with most of what has been said, BUT...

First off, I\'m an August filer and its clear we April-Oct filers--at the
very least, got screwed at all stages. Our I-140s, receipts all took
forever and now receipts are granted practically within days of
485 filing, with those filers hoping to see their approvals in the
fall--and maybe they will.

But I do think we should look at the myth of August
approvals--and it does seem to be effectively mythical. All IIOs
seem to be saying that VSC is horribly backlogged and only up to
August 1--which means the other 30 days of August (including
my file, btw) are lying on shelves somewhere.

This is so consistent--and tallies pretty much with what we\'re
seeing--that is, practically no August approvals.

Once upon a time, I read on this forum that INS does take a
random and very small sample of applications from a month and
parallel process, which could account for any August approvals
(and, if they exist, Sept. 1 approvals).

I have an acquaintance who works in a major University\'s
immigration office who has visited VSC (note--the public are not
granted admission--he works in immigration). Evidently, the
shelves are filled with files and while they try to keep an order,
some files might be picked up by accident and get faster
processing. In any system this is possible (we all pick up papers
from our desk and leave a couple behind or pick up one or two
too many at some point).

And, yes, some cases have to be easier than others. There are
probably people who have hits on fingerprints, incomplete
medicals or vaccines, odd documentation, strange translations,
people from the list of Bush\'s terrorist nations or people who
have visited these countries (now with IBIS, they check all
entries/exits to US and where flights went or were initiated). If a
complex file is ahead of your simple case, then that is going to
take more time and might lead to cases under that adjudicating
officer\'s jurisdiction taking longer.

I hate to say it, but as much as I hate the wait, the problems it
has caused me and the money I have lost, it does at least seem
that since the initiation of the new security checks that the IIOs
are telling us all the same thing.

I\'d honestly rather have that than false promises or false hopes.
But clearly they have to do this after all the flack the INS has

In my opinion, they\'d be better off taking longer screening for
shorter visitor/work/study visas as there seem to be more
security problems there, but I guess I have a vested interest in
faster 485 processing.

Anyway, lets just try to wait this out together and hope its over
Green Card is not a passport to prosperity - many have made their fortune in their home countries it

I see many people feeling/saying GC is the passport to prosperity (may be easy prosperity). I strongly disagree with this. There are many entrepreneurs in India, China and every so called poor asian countries who have made much more money than dumb consultants in US. I have been waiting for GC for 4 years and am frustrated too. But, I do not give a damn to GC if it takes another couple of months. I would be worried only if my job is shaky. Some folks talk like going back to home country is equivalent to going to hell. Our values, our culture, our parents, brothers/sisters everything/everybody is there. We live a lame money-earning life here. What kind of social life we have? We can not live american life because values are different. All we enjoy is just the weekends with friends at parks/parties. Is that all life? Nope. I would not hesitate to go back to my country. I love this great country for its human rights, liberty, prosperity and work-culture. But I do not fit in here. Many asians do not fit in here. Asians are living a secluded life - their life revolves around work, temple(few Indian/chinese temples), Video from home country, parties. What kind of family activity happens? We see our parents/sisters/brothers once in two/three years who are in India/China/Philipines. I can not imagine seeing my son once in two years. No point in life folks. Is it all money we live for? GC would be more valuable if my family is living here. Now, not much. East or West, home is the best.

At the same time, stop cursing the INS.. There are many developed countries which do not even sponsor a GC, like Germany for example. US had been accomodating all immigrants and the procedure takes little time. I remember my passport took 9 months in my home country when I applied 8 years back. What do you do? Why curse INS alone for your position. It is only because of INS, you are accomodated into this country. It is all for the your betterment. To stop the illegals and to welcome the legal immigrants. Be patient for GC. At the same time, GC is not everything in life.

Relax and live life.
jobs are shaky

I think the problem is not the delay in GC, the real problem has got to do with the soft economy. No one has the patience to wait as no one knows when they are going to be laid off.

I am equally frustrated about the GC delay, but these days I do not even bother to check the AVM. I have decided to let the INS take their own sweet time and I am going to focus on getting a job once my contract comes to an end and keep moving forward with the EAD in hand.

Checking the AVM in my opinion creates a depression...and makes one more obsessed abt getting the GC.
American Dream !!! ric2

I think ric2 you should take some time off from this GC matter and get some fresh air. You and few other posters are too frustrated to do any good to your own causes. There is nothing anyone could do after ones GC application has been put into the black box of INS. You have done your bit, now ride your luck. If ones stars are all properly aligned, the case will be approved within reasonable time period, otherwise it will take as long as it takes.

There is a whole legacy behind why our own country is so poor or is in the state that its in now - this in itself is a topic which can be debated for days/weeks/months, and certainly doesn\'t belong on this forum.

Why do you think that yours or anybody else\'s fate is doomed just because GC process is taking its own time. Take for yourself : you claim to have two MS degrees and that too from top US university - did that require GC - of course not. We can\'t vote even after getting the GC and who really is dying to vote anyway. What else is there in USA that prohibits you from doing that you only can do with GC. Buying a house, car, boat, space ship, pursuing PhD, playing baseball, owning a business, going to whorehouse(s), getting flying lessons (and destroying the heart of the nation)??? There may be few limitations however. But even in ones own motherland, few tasks may be beyond ones reach because of lack of approach, resources, infrastructure, awareness, availability, etc. etc. If one has capital, s/he can own a business right this very moment without a GC. If one is sharp enough, will get admission in a respectable US university with a TA/RA. If one is clever enough, can switch a job in no time. Salary and stuff depends on the overall state of economy, not on GC. If one is barely hanging on to his job, merely acquiring a GC is not gonna make an iota of a difference barring few exceptions. H-1 visa is issued to an individual for being a skilled worker, that his skills are required in this country and only for that reason allow him to work. And now if those skills are not in demand anymore, they should go back home. Folks don\'t get upset - this should apply to everyone.

The president of USA didn\'t extend invitation to anyone to come live here. Why should we come here? It was our personal choice. It seemed very well thoughout move at the time. Things in the life don\'t always go as planned. Sometimes one gotta wait, and wait and more. Some are less fortunate than the others. American Dream? Aaaah!!! My friend, 99% of the people WILL still go though all the hardships, waiting, frustration, depression, whatever if they were allowed to pursue American Dream all over again even after knowing all about the negatives/slowness/in-effectiveness of a Bureaucratic process.

With you 2 US MS degrees, are you willing to go back to your homeland? You will be head and shoulder above the rest, well most of the rest. NO, you will not. Such is the magnetic attraction of American Dream pal.

ramasamy munusamy.... do you plan to practice what you are preaching ??

It is very easy to thumb your nose at people who are frustrated about this process and give a pedantic lecture.. But if you so feel so strongly about your country, brother/sisters, friends etc. etc., what are you doing here for the last 8 years ?

Everyone has their own priorities and there is nothing wrong or right about it. Its just personal preference. But some are honest enough to admit it, some still live in denial.
Yeah! Right!!!

1. Who is bothering you btw? sue him/her.
2. You should have AP at the very least if not a valid H-1. With that you can travel anywhere you want, whenever you want, for whatever you want. Why you MUST have GC?
3. One can pursue higher education at their own convenience without having/waiting for a gc. One could even get TA/RA for that matter, if qualified enough.
4. 30% jump in salary - are you kidding me. What pharma company you work for that gives salary hike based on GC and not on performance. So what you suggesting are is that as soon as you get GC, you will be struck with a wave of super intellectual beam or something that you will be 30% more productive. As a matter of fact you might - all this time you spend on this forum could be used more productively. Just kidding - don\'t take it personally.

Don\'t let GCphobia take over your life and future plans, its not worth it. In the current economy, one needs more of a stable job than a green card.

Cheers !!!

I agree, I may have over simplified some details but what\'s the point in over complicating them for no good reason. Again, my opinion.

1. To begin with, you could start your PhD part time. Once you get GC, forge ahead full steam. If you know that you are gonna be working on your thesis, you could commence on part time basis which most of the people do at the very end anyway i.e. when winding down the program.

2. Change of job which is not \'quite\' similar - its just matter of articulating the new letter and that too if only asked for (in case of RFE). I know I am again overly simplying it but if thats what is required for a career move than thats what I wud do (without fabricating or falsifying the facts/degrees/work exp. of course). Its all technical.

3. As I mentioned, one of the things you need to start a business is capital investment. I did not say what kinda business and I did not specify the amount. There are certain guidelines for all this. It is very possible, but not in a simplified manner like employer sponsored GC.

No Title

Hey, you can\'t have cake and eat it too.

You are right - you have 2 MS degrees, what do i know.

You want things \'easy\' in your life, don\'t you. easy money, easy travel, easy promotion, easy this, easy that, no waiting. C\'mon. If you are so inclined to pursue PhD to take your career to next level, little hardship like living on TA/RA won\'t be so bad after all. I did not say anytime that the stipend from RA/TA will substitute you current earning and you would be able to live as lavishly. If your skills and experience are so sought after, I wouldn\'t mind doing some moonlighing and work weekends. Remember, with EAD your could work as many jobs as you are humanly capable of. You could work as consultant as well along with your main job. Sure, some adjustment will be required and it won\'t be \'easy\'.

\'AP is not good enough for easy travel\'. Enlighten us please. AP to my knowledge is a document required for re-entry to USA. Other nations don\'t give a damn about it. At the most you may have to seek a transit visa for the country that you might be touching even being in transit. Its not \'easy\' but its not difficult either.

I am always open to learn - pls. bless.
ric2 & ice cool

and relax this is not helping any of us

Have a nice weekend one and all
No. My job is very stable, but I need a GC ASAP.

(1) the waiting is so long, so boring and frustrating even though job
    is stable. No one wants to be bothered by this bullshit even one
    day longer.

(2) I am waiting for GC so that I can travel to own country to investigate business opportunites. Without this bullshit, there is no way you can travel easily.

(3) I am waiting for GC so that I can go back to finish my Ph.D at my convenient time. I can work 2 days a week as independent consultant aand spend 5 days per week for my Ph.D. I need to make money to
support my family so that I have to work and wrap up Ph.D at the same time. Without GC, there is no way to do this. You see how important this shit gc is!!

(4) I am waiting for GC so that I can have another 30% jump in salary.

Everyone has its own way to weight the importance of GC. Please do not think that people who are desperately waiting for GC have a shaky job.

For many poeple, stability of job is not an issue. However, a life-changing move is strictly under the condition that one needs to have a gc.
Same, same feeling, buddy!

I completely understand your pain. Fortunately, my job has been okay and my boss has been very supportive.

We are all trapped here. We are all begging them and we can not vote. These are the leverages they have.

sweep your tears,
swallow your pain,
punch your head and curse the f*** God for our bad lucks,
again, again and again