Where are the 02-03Xs approvals ???

tt tt

Registered Users (C)
I am sure there are a bunch of october mailers who got their NDs in Nov with Wac-02-030 to Wac-02-39...seems the INS has jumped over the 30s and gone to the 40s :(
This is really frustrating. Mine is wac-02-032-xxxxx. I don't understand how CSC works. We have no choice but to watch and see. May be our cases have been assigned to a lazy officer (just a guess)
some explanation !

May be wac-02-03 are in a bundle that has been assigned to an officer who is lazy or on vacation or has some other priorities.

The 040 bundle is with some one who is working on them.

If you guys can call IIO and find out if the cases are assigned, it will shed some more light.

Or the 03 bundle is some where at the bottom waiting to be picked up.

This is just my assumption.
I also called IIO 3 days ago, was still told working on it.

And was also told since 9.11, processing is slowing down. I think it's a regular excuse.
I was just thinking. My AVM has been saying the same thing (999 days...) ever since we filed the 485. I understand that I'm not the only one and a no. of others AVM has not changed either although I dont know how many.

Is it really worth my while to call this stupid AVM(I have tried quite a few times) to listen to the same message because I honestly dont think that it is going to suddenly spring to life and say approved. Rather just wait for the mail I think.

Any comments....., any ideas on how long it takes them to send an approval notice after approval.

Meanwhile the wait goes on..............
called IIO

she told me that my file has been put in the queue to be assigned to the officer..whatever that means. Also my wife called she was told that her case is also ready to be assigned to the officer.
Hey tt,

Forget it. I think we are wasting our time calling these people. Making ourselves more annoyed too. We should just prob wait for the golden mail to arrive. I have no faith that the AVM will suddenly change. It is fascinating how they skipped over the 02-03...

Don't worry


mine too did not get approv(wac-02-042-5xxxx). 02-40, 02-46, 02-47, 02-50 etc got approved.

wait wait wait frustrating.
:) :) :) :cool:
I am also a WAC-02-032-5xxxx guy filed at CSC. Can someone tell the expansion for IIO and the contact # for the same? I would like to find out if my case has been assigned.

laxjags, here you go

949-831-8427 ( be prepare to dial for about 40 minutes). good luck and please get us posted after your call
Originally posted by laxjags
I am also a WAC-02-032-5xxxx guy filed at CSC. Can someone tell the expansion for IIO and the contact # for the same? I would like to find out if my case has been assigned.


IIO - Immigration Information Officer
# - 949-831-8427.
If you just want to hear the Automatic Voice Mail (AVM) the best time to call is after 10pm.

is it your wish or you heard about 02-03 series approvals this week?either way thanx for the nice words
should wait still

Guy who sits just next to me is a 01-299 candidate with FP done/message rusemed 4 months back, he is still waiting for approval. I dont think 02-03x should worry at this time...
I think 02-03x should wait for another month or so.

WAC 02-057-xxx
quite a lot of 02-04. 02-05 cases have been getting cleared. the 01 guy should really start looking closely at the happenings.