When would I get my Approval for 485

Regitered Alien

New Member
I applied in EB3 and the detail are as follows. What should I do because I see some of you are with a later PD. What is logic that INS follows and should I call the INS ?? Any info would help me a great extent

PD 6/97
ND 1/01
RD 1/01
FP 3/24
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Sometime tommorow.Check your email, voice mail, mailbox or maybe someone will come personally to hand over !! Just kidding
God know how INS handles each case so much variation I feel like standing in Indian Railway stations and you how someone overtakes all and get it and how good !! you feel about it

It\'s home away from home

Anyone know how to decode this would of great help ?????

Be productive, will ya. Do some usefull logic to find out what is the method of picking up and a case and approving ]
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you made me homesick for a minute...

Well, here\'s my theory: I feel that they first go by ND then verify if PD is current or not and then move on. Say If the PD becomes current for Person A who has PD much later then yours but the person A\'s ND is earlier than yours, then the personA will get approved before you. So far my logic has been holding up good but who knows when VSC changes its logic...

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Your theory works good,

But my feeling is , Usually queue goes by ND , when the offer gets the file after completing the processing , they might look for PD is current or not, If it is current they might send approval other wise they might hold until the pd becomes current.

But we saw some approvals in past with out pd become current, they are just lucky.

When ever PD moves they might go back look for old files , which they might have kept aside.

But anyway no one can predict what VSC follows , It’s just every one thoughts.

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Hi Registered Alien

Which queue are we talking about? The Indian queue or the country Others queue.

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NoMoreIndians - What Country are you from ? My bet is that you have chickened out with the TooManyIndians nickname and have changed your user id.
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Hey kumar_arun,

I thought the whole idea of the protest was to ensure that perversion stayed away from this board. Then why are you continuing to bait NoMoreIndians once that he/she has tempered/diluted his/her approach ? (assuming that these two users names DO belong to the same individual in the first place).

Please do not be asinine enough to fan an ebbing spark.

Thanks in advance.

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It seems to me that VSC is approving cases that are before March 2000 and completed FP randomly. Some lucky people can get their approvals very quickly after FP done, like two weeks after FP is done. Others may need to wait a month or more to hear something from VSC. Please remember some Aug. guys are still waiting. It really depends on individual’s luck.
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Good Point ....What is the original discussion ?
Some are posting irrelevant some and I think we should make this productive tool rather than abusive tool and also ignore some unwanted conflicts regardless of who and what they are upto.
Ignoring will make them snoring
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From my conversation with an IIO some time back, they pull out only those files from the shelf, whose PD\'s are current, and they are then assigned to an officer based on ND.

Remember, as of now, INS Vermont is processing only those application whose PD = current and ND
No Title

You may be right and If that is the case then priority retrogressing is possible in the near future. Here is how it may work and answers as why dates are likely to move back
Let us assume that India has X number of Green cards per year
(I just came up with a number )

If ND PD (ND > 10/99)
       then issue GC and reduce the Quota

Now when the Priority date is published I came to know that this date is by no means a random one. Look at the equivalent logic translated by me from an attorney.

Select Max(PD) from some_table
where rowcount =(sum(Pending 485) - (total available country Quota))

The above logic would retrogress the priority date if too many cases of later priority dates are approved !!

Am I wrong ??