When will more FP notices start coming?


Registered Users (C)
Its becoming difficult and frustrating to wait - Guys with RD 8-9 days earlier than mine (RD 4/17) have started getting approval and then INS is not even issuing FP notices for anyone on/after RD 4/11.
Kakinada: You can surely fax to inquire your FP status.

CSC rule is 120 day from ND (should be RD I believe) before you can send inquiries.
I saw your FP Rec\'d in 07/01. Maybe that was for AP?

Good luck.
No Title

i have seen that the FP notices start arriving in th emiddle of the month and keep going until 25th.... last three months looked like that - good luck.
Is it necessary to go thro\' the lawyer for enquiry? If not, I can give it a try...

Is it necessary to go thro\' the lawyer for enquiry? If not, I can give it a try.
Fax Enquiry!!! My lawyer is trying

My lawyer had sent one when 120 days got over from RD - INS replied by saying 120days have not got over!!! My lawyer has got back to them. Will keep you posted on the outcome of the follow-up.

After following the postings on this Board, I feel the following:

1. As someone had mentioned, INS might have changed from RD to ND for counting 120 days.

2. Fax enquiry may not work if no one in your RD/ND date has got FP.

RD 4/13 ND 5/25 Fp waiting.
People with RD 3 days before me have gotten Approvals for GC.
Really hope INS sends the FP notices.
FP Notice - Fax inquiry only after 120 days from ND

Got information from lawyer - INS confirmed (what somebody had posted a few days ago) that they have changed FP Fax inquiry policy - now they will respond only after 120 days from ND (and not RD as was the policy earlier).
No FP Yet !!

My RD is 04/26 & ND 06/26 still waiting for FP & EAD. Hope we get FP notices soon. I\'ll keep you guys posted if I hear something positive