When will all 2002 filers be approved...? I am exhausted...


Registered Users (C)
As NSC promised, all 2002 filers will be approved by teh end of this year as long as name check and FP are done. Definitely it is impossible, but when? :mad:
2002 Applications

I understand your frustrations but I am pretty sure they're trying to keep their promises. Didn't you notice that there are more and more of 2002 apps got approved ? So it's actually fast moving but they may or may not be able to get them all done by the end of this year.

I bet you're an IT developer/engineer just like myself. Think of how many times we promised our clients to deliver the product on time but the deadline keeps getting pushed and yet the project is moving forward ;)
mychatoe said:
when did NSC promise to complete processing 2002 cases before the end of the year?
Sometimes in the mid of this year. It was not a memo but the news came from NSC. They told the lawyers and I confirmed with my lawyer.
sinting said:
I understand your frustrations but I am pretty sure they're trying to keep their promises. Didn't you notice that there are more and more of 2002 apps got approved ? So it's actually fast moving but they may or may not be able to get them all done by the end of this year.

I bet you're an IT developer/engineer just like myself. Think of how many times we promised our clients to deliver the product on time but the deadline keeps getting pushed and yet the project is moving forward ;)
Thank you for your reply, sinting. I am really frustrated because a lot of applicants after me have been approved. I am Dec 2002 filer and had FP2 done in Aug. I also checked with FBI and was told my name check had been sent back to INS in March 2003. If I cannot be approved before March 2005, I will have to renew my H1-B or apply EAD. NSC promised too many things but never kept their promises. If they can do not too much delay, that will better than nothing...
2002 apps

Same here !
My RD is May'02 and I just got approved last thursday whereas soooo....many applicants whose RD in 10/02 and 11/02 and even worse ... 2003 were approved long before mine was.

My RFE was received in April 2004 and many got approved in a month after their RFEs were received. On the other hand, there were also a lot of applicants (if you check in RUPNET) who got 2nd RFE; I am supposed to get the Medical RFE as my vaccinations were incomplete but I did not.

I tried to not to get angry at all as it's useless and only hurting myself.

Thus, there are just so many nut things happened... just do what you're supposed to do (extend H-1, apply EAD, AP, etc...) and don't give a shit about it ...then you'll get it before you even know it :p :p