When can we expect October cases to be assigned


I read it because it funny and totally absurd. Its like SNL. Its funny to note how many people think you actually know something. Everyone reads Shusterman and Murthys. PDs could retrogress but you have been saying that crap with so much certainty. You seem to give precise dates that even the best of lawyers couldnt.

Imagine my happiness when you announced my AD will be in 2004 May!

Bravo! You are a nut case.

That again says what I said.
In year 2001 it got rollover for 2 years. But now there is just rollover from last year. And this year with so many EB3s from India dates are bound to retrogess. What do you say ???
Ppl, always expect the worst. make a back up plan.

This way atleast you will have a chance for preventive or corrective necessery action. Now though I am April, 2002 filers, I am taking this notice seriously and planning for future steps. I will start looking for job in september/october (180 days over) and once I get a offer, I will ask my employer for huge raise. if not happen, quit.

* I know stupid moron like pateinceGC will start looking for some sorts of argument (if nothing there, at least with spell mistake..) but for other ppl, always prepare for the worst, you will not surprise.
wow words of wisdom from a great soul

Whats with everyone picking on me? lol Where are my fellow rational thinkers? hello.. .futuregen?

There are people here who want to listen to everything and take everything seriously. Thats why people like shantanu can say anything they want and we seem to suspect all the genuine approvals and postings.
PPL: I am not into the argument of retrogessing.. I am arguing for back up plan.

And for pateinceGC: Go to hell. matured thinkers knows the sufferings and they dont wanna hear your crap. they want to hear the back up plan. So thats why, you are not seeing anyone in your side.

For all my fellow friends, whats wrong for a back up plan and face the harsh reality.. we already spent lot of our miserable journey, so if something happen like retrogessing... dont just breaking apart. strengthen your knowledge, skills, resume, hope, wish and use AC 21 rule. Quit and get the job of your dream.
can you explain job switch as a back-up plan for retrogressing?

I seem to be lost here. Asking for a huge raise and quitting if we dont get it, is a backup plan for retrogressing? I am afraid my IQ level prevents me from understanding your logic...

don\'t let the opinions expressed by a few individuals affect you in a way that you start expressing your emotions ...please try to control your emotions .......one day that person would stop expressing his/her opinions that may seem absurd to a group of individuals..

this is a forum to share views, information, & ideas and not for expressing your emotions/anger/abstract thoughts ........

please think about what you write ...it may affect someone in a way you don\'t always want to ...

But at least the rollover is still there :)
Dude, perhaps the PDs will retrogress, perhaps they won\'t, but I don\'t think anybody can predict that without all relevant data.
There are only 140K visas available per year for employment based cases, so if the number of pending cases go beyond that, there certainly will be some backward movement. However, if you also include the current economic scenario, the number of people who manage to stick around on H1b while their 485 is pending is less than the boom-days of the late 90\'s. So, we can take some solace in that. Of course, I could be wrong and PDs may retrogress next month. Who knows!

Are you nuts??? Your ideas and thoughts are sans logic, sense and conviction.
I am sure that if you ask for a huge raise in salary in this Economic enviornment you will get a RAISE but not the one you are looking for but a RAISE by your employer who will pick you up by the collar ( raise you) and throw you out. (this can happen IF you get a job, a big IF)
On an physcological analysis fo your Postings , it seems your are a goner and no Employer in his right sense of mind will ever consider you...
Don\'t bother to reply, I will not respond.

patienceGC--> I don\'t think you should encourage these guys by responding to them. They are lost in their own world of Insensibility.
Futergreen: a moron

listen incompetent employee like you will never get raise. I have increased my salary 50% over three years. My innovations made money for the company and I will ask more moeny in near future. There is nothing wrong with this. By the way, I am not in IT business, so dont consider all profession by your business. Pharmaceutica/ nutraceutical/ retail drug store are still in very good shape in USA. So if you want to bite me, bite my leg.

Dont make Shan a Big B* by replying to all his B*. Just ignore Shan B*
He is just B*.........
transfer to New york city for interview

RD 5/23/01 ND 8/3/01 TD 5/16/02 PD 2/3/98

If any one waiting for intervew please give details.