When can we expect July RD approvals??


Registered Users (C)
Assuming INS would continue to approve AOS applications at the current rate... when do you guys think its going to be July RD\'s turn.
julyrd ,

Firstly we should start seeing a lot of june approvals .
As you have noticed a bulk of approvals so far are for May RD .
Hopefully first week of march is when i would guess july rd getting
approvals . Good luck to all july waiters ( that includes me ) .
Are you on pcee\'s tracking list ?
No Title

No Iam not. Here are my details:

RD 07/03
ND 08/23
FP 11/28 NY (Done on scheduled date)
AVM still says - \'On Dec\'6 FP received.. pending review\'


My guess is sometime in March/April...

We are seeing approvals have been mush more in volume in February as compared to January. I noticed the following statistics on PCee\'s tracking list.
APRIL - FP done - 113; Approved - 90; Pending 23
MAY - FP done - 81; Approved - 31; Pending 50
JUNE - FP done - 51; Approved - 6; Pending 45
I have taken the liberty to apply to the approved numbers those cases that I remember to have been approved but not yet updated by PCee. The numbers may be off by 1 or 2 either way. Also, I am not including the Mailing numbers because some of them have not updated their FP info. That means that they are not active on this board and I have no hope of seeing them post approvals even if they got them.

We are seeing on an average 30 approvals per week. Of those 30 lets conservatively say 10 approvals are for old cases that are not being tracked and new cases whose details are not on PCee\'s site. At the rate of 20 a week we are looking at 6 weeks for all April/May/June pending cases to be assigned if not adjudicated. That would put July RD adjudications to start to be a constant flow around End of March. But, as we have always seen there will be some early cases. I would not be surprised to see a few July RD cases be adjudicated sometime in March. Once you get to the month of RD the actual RD within that month does not make much of a difference. All July cases have been delayed enough for all of them to have acquired background check reports and be adjudication-ready by the end of this month.
Mine will be during the third week of march

Based on PCee\'s list.

Total approvals since january = 97
number of working days till today (02/11/02) = 30

Average rate of approvals/day = 97/30 = 3.23 approvals/day

There are 86 people ahead of me who are still waiting for approval. My RD is 06/01/01.

Approximate approval date for me would be 86/3.23 = 26.5 working days which is 18th March 2002 ....

Worst case 18th March .....Best case my guess would be 1st week of march..

This message was posted by "Terminator" and not "PCee"
looks like we have a july rd

approval now . I am referring to spe\'s approval .
We might get more july approvals next week . I am not trying to
p*** off april,may,june waiters .
October Approvals

My gut feeling is You will see atleast one october approval by end of march, We will refer to this message at the end of march.
Approvals could be based

on RD and processing resumed ..... message . If you look at Pcee\'s
list , guys with RD in April and processing resumed dec 29th most have
got approved . There are only 7 cases not approved . If we closely
follow these 7 cases then we might get a hang on the pattern . But
again it is INS and CSC . Everyone is making a guess here .
The 7 cases are vpj , jerash , cartaverde , chik , iaminusus ,
nologic_Algo , itwizard .
looking at April RD cases which are not approved , april_csc_485 ,
bluelotus , bassya ( few samples) , their AVM is not updated yet
or they have not posted the latest AVM message .
Looking at May Cases with dec 29 message ,
CSCvictim ,daysleft , Imacze , bond07 , JB15 , c485485 , kumarsunil ,
ThinkDifferent , tony_li , svgr02 , wxyz_abcd .
Let us follow these cases and see if most of them get their approvals .
No Title

I hope you get your approvals soon, but ...

The INS works in batches. There was a whole bunch
of approvals in Oct for cases whose RD was early April.
Those of us (like me) who filed in late Aptril thought
we would get approved very soon. However, the INS
seemed to shift its priorities and we had to wait
over 3 months before we started to see late April RD approvals.

So hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

If you have already done your FP then your in better
shape than us. Some of us didn\'t do our FP till
early Oct.
CSCVictim got

approved . His RD is may 01 and his avm message has
dec 29th processing resumed .....message .

Congrats CSCvictim !
looking at approvals posted today

CSCVictim , JB15 got approvals . Their RD is in May . There are some june rd waiters with dec 29 message ... like sdw , ten_san , tamizhan . May be later in this week or next week we might see approvals for july rd waiters with dec 29 message or earlier ..... neelamrao , fene , kidd , manishw , deerod , appvdh1b . Let us wait and see what happens this week .
terminator , I am not

predicting but hopefully we could find a pattern to make good / better
guess about approvals . We all know for a fact now that most of them
approved have heard the processing resumed .... message on the avm .
From now on everyone gives importance to that message along with RD .